christina gallagher, our lady queen of peace,house of prayer achill

Overview of Our Lady's Messages

A Chosen Soul

Call of Our Lady Queen of Peace

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Prophesy Fulfilled

Matrix Medal

Holy Water

Our Lady with Tears

The House of Prayer Achill

Chain of Houses

Our Lady's Fraternity

Novena to the Most Blessed Trinity

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Christina Gallagher and the Church

Our Baptismal Right to Pray

Proof Without a Doubt

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Media Misrepresentation

Voice of Our Lady's Pilgrims

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Baptismal Right to Pray

Baptism confers on every person the God-given right to pray. No Christian has to seek permission to pray in a private house with others. No authority can remove or interfere with this obligation.

Each baptised person becoming part of the Mystical Body of Christ, is thereby commissioned to share in the priestly, prophetic and kingly roles of Christ. Sharing in the priestly role of Christ for a layperson means uniting with Christ in offering prayer, work and suffering to God. A person’s baptism actually obliges one to carry out this prescription. It becomes a privileged duty - to pray constantly. No Christian therefore has to ‘seek permission’ to pray nor can anyone interfere with people’s God-given right to join with others in prayer.

It is necessary to point out that the Church’s faithful have a right to pray together. Jesus conveyed this when He made the promise, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt, 18:19-20). Our sacrament of baptism solemnly commissions and anoints each of us to a life of prayer with the words.

“… As Christ was anointed priest, prophet and king so may you live always as a member of His Body sharing everlasting life…”

Indeed, the canon law of the Catholic Church clearly states that when a gathering of prayer is not a liturgy or para-liturgy such as might take place in a church (can1214) or semi-public oratory (can 1224) under ecclesiastical jurisdiction and carried out in the name of the Church, no permission is required.

The canon law of the Catholic Church also states that any prohibition should be made strictly according to the scope of the law and not beyond (ie ‘ad norman luris’). So to spread the word that “permission for a House of Prayer is not granted”, when in fact, the granting of permission does not pertain, is unlawful. It also conveys the impression that the faithful are acting improperly which is unfair and even defamatory when they are merely fulfilling the entitlement of their baptism.

Christina Gallagher has been the innocent victim of such defamation even on the part of some bishops over a number of years.

Harmful Rumours

Rumours- clearly intended to intimidate those who might go to pray at Our Lady's House of Prayer in the US are being circulated at some prayer meetings in the surrounding area. These vague rumours threaten excommunication on such individuals and purport to come from Church sources.

Anyone troubled by such rumours is asked to please report their source to the House of Prayer/ contact Christina's Spiritual Director, Fr.McGinnity.

Attempting to interfere with a person's right to pray the approved devotional, non-liturgical prayers of the Catholic Church in a private house is an offense in canon law and to imply that persons praying in this way deserve sanction is defamatory to their good name and reputation and so constitutes harm to their person.

christina gallagher by Fr Foley
Christina Gallagher by Fr Foley S.J.

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