The people speak out with the truth about Christina Gallagher, the House of Prayer Achill and her spiritual director Fr Gerard McGinnity PhD



















STATEMENT FROM PILGRIM CO-ORDINATOR; "Everyone knows that I am the person responsible for all meetings that have taken place around the country"
The following statement was given by Majella Meade about when she was pilgrim coordinator and has been in the public domain since 2009.

"Shocked and Appalled"

I am entirely shocked and appalled at the ongoing tabloid/media attack on Mrs Christina Gallagher, her spiritual director Fr McGinnity and all associated with Our Lady Queen of Peace, House of Prayer Achill. It is widely known by all who attend or visited Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer that I am the person responsible for all meetings that have taken place around the country. Not Christina Gallagher or Fr McGinnity. The pilgrims supporters and group leaders nominated me to co-ordinate our efforts to respond to the Messages and respond appropriately, be it in setting up prayer groups, organising and training volunteers to assist the many visitors to Our Lady's House of Prayer, Achill and putting in place many specific projetcs. Our Blessed Mother requested of us on July 24th 2003 to provide a shelter for Christina Gallagher, a message that was known and available in print in the book of the latest messages, "RECENT MESSAGES" on page 22 since that time and read out at all meetings. This shelter was intended to be private and secure, a place where she could enjoy peace and refuge for the remainder of her life.

"Horrified and Dismayed"

I was horrified and dismayed to see that a vendetta based on the fundraising element of this work was used throughout 2008 as a means to attack Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity. This was totally unjust, unfair, and unfounded. I am therefore amazed because I was never approached by the media or the anonymous critics used by the media. I was never contacted by the couple who appeared on the current affairs television programme or any other of the disgruntled people. The first I was aware of such was to read in a newspaper. This alone convinces me that the tactics used were purely to discredit and damage Christina Gallagher and her spiritual director Fr Gerard McGinnity

"Disaffected People"

Of the few disaffected people, (whose identities were immediately obvious to me) - and who were given multiple identites in the media - my greatest disappointment was in not being approached by an elderly couple, who, in their free choice gave a generous donation to the project via myself, at the same time as they gave a similar on to their local church. On a number of occasions they volunteered this information to me. They clearly gave me to know that they had financial resources surplus to their own needs for which reason they would frequently share with me such charitable intentions. I had given great support to this couple, and was always available for several years, to assist and advise them i their everyday affairs as and when they chose to contact me - which they frequently did. Yet, they were enticed to lend thier cooperation to fabricated media stories, about being deceived into given donations and being left penniless". This was a complete contradition to their real circumstances which they had been consisitently sharing with me. Thos who made donations all did so freely and not under any duress. I can verify these facts. It makes me wonder how people, who were and are fully aware that only I had dealt with , could present a false media picture, suggesting that they were deceived by Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity. One wonders how these individuals can live with their conscience for allowing such deception be published in their name.

Interpretation of the Gospel message of love and turth makes it clear that one cannot justify giving false witness. pelase read Deut. 5,20 and John 13:34. This applies unfortunately to almost everything that has been published in the sensationalised gutt press, where unnamed "former supporters' were quoted, attacking innocent people.

Related Links:

Response to Media Attack on Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer and Fr McGinnity

Attack on the Spiritual Mission of Christina Gallagher by Fr Gerard McGinnity Ph D

'Why I Believe' by Fr Gerard McGinnity Ph D

Christina Gallagher - 'Proof Beyond Doubt' by Fr Richard Foley SJ

Healings through Holy Water at the House of Prayer Achill

Conversions through House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity

Physical Healings through House of Prayer Achill and Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity

Healings and Conversions through the Matrix Medal, House of Prayer Achill, and Christina Gallagher

TRUTH of Our Lady's Messages to Christina Gallagher is massively upheld


Book about Christina Gallagher, the House of Prayer Achill, Fr McGinnity and the Fraternity of Our Lady Queen of Peace.


Response to Media Attack

Christina Gallagher

Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity PhD

House of Prayer Achill

Our Lady's Fraternity

Testimonies of the Major Physical Healings

Testimonies of Conversions & Healings

Testimonies of Protection

Published by Our Lady's Pilgrims | Official Website of Christina Gallagher & the House of Prayer, AchillCopyright donated to the House of Prayer, Achill 2009. All Rights Reserved


Fr McGinnity - The House of Prayer Response to Media Attack | Fr McGinnity - The House of Prayer Response to Media Attack | Christina Gallagher - The House of Prayer Response to Media Attack | Christina Gallagher Official Website | Fr Gerard McGinnity | The Call of Our Lady Queen of Peace Achill | Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace Achill | Christina Gallaghers Story Begins | The Mission of Christina Gallagher | Spiritual Director of Christina Gallagher - Fr Gerard McGinnity | A Good Tree Cannot Produce Bad Fruits - Christina Gallagher and The House of Prayer Achill | Fruits in Abundance - Christina Gallagher and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill | Testimony of Healing and Conversion through Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt through Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | Advance Pancreatic Cancer of Kathleen O'Sullivan Healed at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill - Christina Gallagher - Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | A 'Miracle' says US doctor about the Healing of Jed Michael critically ill with Thrombosis - A 'Miracle' says US doctor - Christina Gallagher - Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | Healing in the Womb of Rose McManus after visit to House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher & Fr Mc Ginnity | Physial Healings connected to House of Prayer Achill, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity| Matrix Medal of Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity| Miraculous Gift of Life through Matrix Medal, Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill| 'Miracle Without a Doubt' through Matrix Medal, Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill| Healing of Cancer through Matrix Medal, Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill| Matrix Medal Testimonies of Healing, Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill| Healing Waters of Achill Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher| Protection through Our Lady With Tears, Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill| Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher, Fr Gerard McGinnity| Our Lady Queen of Peace Chain Houses of Prayer, Christina Gallagher, House of Prayer Achill| Fraternity of Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Novena to Most Holy Trinity at Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Protection of Homes Our Lady Queen of Peace with Roses - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Young People and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Information about Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher & FrMcGinnity| 'Proof Beyond Doubt" Fr Foley SJ and Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Baptismal Right to Pray at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Frequently Asked Questions about Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagherand Fr McGinnity| Response to TV3 cult programme Media misrepresentation Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| People Speak out about Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher|