christina gallagher, our lady queen of peace,house of prayer achill

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Prophesy Fulfilled

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Novena to the Most Blessed Trinity

Gift of the Petal

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Our Lady's Call through Christina

Our Lady's core Message to us Her children and how to respond.

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Beautiful new statue of Our Lady Queen of Peace on the altar of the House of Prayer in Achill

"If only My children could realise the graces I desire to give for even a single visit to My House of Prayer."

Our Lady Queen of Peace

Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, House of Prayer Achill, Fr McGinnity, christina gallagher
Christina Gallagher received a message from Our Lady on 20th October 2007:

"I call upon My children to pray a Novena to the Most Blessed Trinity"

Our Lady Queen of Peace

Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, House of Prayer Achill, Fr McGinnity
Christina Gallagher - Prayers at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill, Ireland

"This novena which is to be offered during the three hours of My Son's Victory is to be prayed at My Mother House of Prayer in Ireland and in My Chain Houses throughout the world.""
Our Lady Queen of Peace
20 Oct 2007

At the request of Our Lady and then Jesus, pilgrims gather at the House of Prayer in Achill and at all the Chain Houses of Our Lady Queen of Peace to pray the Novena in Honour of the Most Holy Trinity every Saturday, from 12 noon until 3pm "the hours of My Son's Victory.

Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, House of Prayer Achill, Fr Gerard McGinnity
Pilgrims of all ages from all walks of life come to Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill to answer Her call. "Come to My House and pray".

Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, House of Prayer Achill, Fr Gerard McGinnity

"I call upon My children to pray a Novena to the Most Blessed Trinity""
Our Lady Queen of Peace
20 Oct 2007

Risen Lord as seen by Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill Spiritual Director Gerard McGinnity
"to believer and to non-believer"
May 2016
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"The Unity of Powers to Destroy is with you Now"
May 2015
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"I desire you open your hearts to Me who am Truth..."
July 2013
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How Christina Gallagher sees Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill
'New' Fatima message links with warnings to Christina Gallagher ...
Ireland's Eye June 2015
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Our Lady provides best remedy to levels of suicide & murder...
Ireland's Eye February 2014
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Christina Gallagher

Major healings medically and scientifically documented:

Testimony of Healing of Brandi De Jesus 2014
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Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt
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Christina Gallagher healing
Doctor says, 'A Miracle' Healing of Jed Michael

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Christina Gallagher - Major healing
Return from death's door Pancreatic Cancer healed
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christina gallagher

of graces received
matrix medal, christina gallagher, our lady queen of peace achill
Matrix Medal Remarkable Testimonies 2014
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christina gallagher

Protection of homes in Moore Okla. Tornado 2013
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Conversion of young Dublin man after visiting the House of Prayer Achill 2012
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Suicide Survivor's Testimony at Special Day of Prayer for Victims of Suicide 2014
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to Attacks on Christina and her Mission through Media Falsity

House of Prayer is faithful to Church
Martina Caffrey rebuts media sensational calls for House of Prayer and Christina Gallagher's ex-communication
29 Nov 2014

Media Obsession with House of Prayer
Irish Mail on Sunday continue attack on Christina Gallagher
16 Nov 2014
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More False Sunday World Attacks
Maria Hughes claims are TOTALLY FALSE
9th Nov 2014
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Answer to Sarah Mac Donald
Shameful nasty attack in Irish Independent
17th Oct 2014
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Media Lies

Sunday World Reporters sent packing by pilgrims and Dublin Airport Police
Statement of 2nd Nov 2014
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Notice of Misleading Uninformed Attack
Statement of October 2014
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no prosecution against House of Prayer Achill
Horrendous Lies against Christina to be probed by Solicitors
Supt Patrick Doyle, head of the Westport Garda District, confirmed that the DPP has decided that legal proceed-ings should not be initiated against Christina Gallagher
Statement of Sept 2014
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Vindictive Attack by the Sunday World is REVEALED for what it is
March 2014
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The People Respond to REPEATED Attack by Sunday World on Christina Gallagher

26th Nov 2013

The People Respond to the Stalking of Christina Gallagher
12 Nov 2013
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House of Prayer AchillResponse to The TV3 Midweek programme
26th Sep 2011

An extract from Christina Gallagher's book 'The Cross Uncovered'.
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Message of Jesus to Christina
July 16, 2024.

My little one, I desire you reveal what I tell you to the people of the world.
It grieves My Sacred Heart that such a defilement of My Church has come about and to see all that is of Me, the Lord and God of you all, being withdrawn.
How can My shepherds look on and remain in approval of its destruction, as the very sacraments of your Lord God are disposed of?
The dark spirits of hell are upon your world and how you will need the Bread of Life!
How precious is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin, due to its reverence. How the devil hates it.
The world is ripe in receiving the final secret of Fatima about to be fulfilled.
Soon the third world war will rage throughout the world, killing a multitude of people.

What you experience now of your hospitals' withdrawal of care is only in its early stages. You will be denied every need and facility in your time as you await "the mark of the beast" in the form of 'the chip'. There all information about your person will be contained for the destruction of many, many souls to be separated from Life in Me. Soon all that you own will be seized. The 'red army' is about to take control. How I look upon a world's people who do not want to know Me! I am deserted on every side for so many have been blinded by the evil one and the people for whom I shed My Blood have swayed with the darkest deception of Hell. Woe unto the man who deserts My Life and Sacrifice! Hell awaits him, yet its very reality is denied. How real it is and awaits many who live by the flesh and the world. Man does not live by bread alone but through Me, his Lord God.

You, My people in My Mother's House this day, how so many of you hear but remain deaf. I have shown you the power of My Hand in love and mercy to heal and convert many but your hearts are closed.
My Church, its destruction has begun.
Now you will experience many calamities in your world - all manner of disaster but the most painful are the disasters prepared for your souls. You merry your way in the evil surrounding you and engulfing your souls in sin.
How My Sacred Heart has cried out to you! Many of you have lost your faith.
How you will witness death of soul while you are asleep in your flesh and drift with the evil that surrounds you.
You who hear, know that the only Church you will have will be hidden, suppressed and underground. Many of My priests will be martyred. Many of My churches will burn to the ground with My Body and Blood therein. You will be denied My sacraments.

Your world will have fires that will destroy on a huge scale. The weather will become so abnormal - much of the abnormality will be man-made. You will be left with nothing. Disasters and diseases will multiply - much of which will be man-made.

When you witness such, know My Hand is near.

The man of destruction will be murdered in his own blood as he has permitted the bloodshed of others and Hell awaits him for eternity.
I call you, people of the world, turn away from sin, urgently receive the Sacrament of Penance in repentance for your sin and through it receive mercy for yourself. Many will be murdered through a man-made vaccine that is of death. The lives of the aborted babies are sacrificed to Satan and many others also.
Priest sons, prepare for the persecution that awaits you. Do not sway. Be strong in Me. I will live in you if you trust in Me. My Sacred Heart is burdened for what lies ahead of you.

My people, as My Hand draws closer to the world, the lightning bolts will flash throughout the sky. You will tremble from fear but the person who has turned to Me will have no fear. I have left with you the sacramentals that will help and protect you, in union with the prayer of the Rosary, when My Church and its Sacraments will not be with you.

Those who come to My Mother's Houses of Prayer only for the anniversaries, I plead with you to come here as often as possible to pray and gain the many graces that you can receive to sustain you.

O My little one, how I receive all you endure! Your cross has become heavy in union with Me. I receive your every blow and illness. Offer it all to Me. How so many who are foolish mock and disbelieve My words through you from Me but it is only the foolish that mock you. I have pleaded with you, My people, to look after My servant. You will need her - for those who help her will receive a great mercy from Me and the home she enters will be blessed indeed. She is My prophet and she has suffered for you and made her offering to Me for you. Know -as you read in The Book, "for what you do for My prophet, you will receive a prophet's reward". She will lead you to safety if you permit her. It will be I, Jesus, who will guide her on your behalf. How you will need her!

I bless you in My Father, I, Jesus, His Son and the Holy Spirit.

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This Mission has been under attack since its very beginning. The attack- facilitated by a man of the Church- has been ferocious, with lies and deception and twisted stories. Contrary to the false impression conveyed by the attackers Christina Gallagher NEVER went out and asked people for ANY money: all she ever did was convey the message given to her. When the Lord knew her life was in serious danger, He requested a house of safety to be put in place for her protection. Christina Gallagher gave the message as she always does- of whatever is given to her- and the people from there on responded generously to get a house put in place for her safety. A secluded location was part of the necessary security of the house but the attack intensified whenever a member of the House of Prayer staff discovered where the house was and thereby became the means of erupting others, together with a man of the Church, operating facelessly and namelessly, to fuel the attack and from there, with the media who accelerated and magnified everything even using a helicopter to fly over her home, photographing and printing the pictures, the lies and deception propagated was so horrendous that it brought about an incitement to hatred against Christina. As a result, a multitude of people came banging on her door at night and making obscene gestures. All this gave rise to widespread gossip which was in turn further multiplied by lies and deception in the media leading to Christina's life being in grave danger. One tabloid even pictured Christina in the cross-hairs of a rifle- a motif known before to have incentivised would-be assassins. Not only was her house attacked but the House of Prayer itself was also attacked- when a person came screaming outside it, "wanting to kill her". On another occasion also, while a prayer vigil was going on there, a panel of the door was kicked in, which led to the need to install a camera at the door for security.

Due to these dangers, Christina had to sell one house in order to buy another, forced to be on the run in fear for her life as she was accused of owning "a portfolio of property"- which is totally untrue. The properties in the US are in a "not-for-profit" status -neither belonging to Christina nor benefitting her in any way. There is one website which is viciously hostile, defamatory and poisonous and which is even hosted by an individual not of the Catholic faith who relentlessly persecutes the Mission given to Christina by referring to it as a so-called "cult". Nothing could be more untrue. Everyone- of any faith persuasion or none- is always welcome. Anyone can pray in silence or just be present or leave at any time. The only vocal prayers used are the usual prayers of the Catholic Church e.g. Scripture Reading, The Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, Chaplet of Mercy, Angelus and Chaplets of Devotion. The people who come are those who are active in their respective parish communities. They are normal practitioners of their Catholic faith. Anyone wishing to verify this are free and welcome to come at any time.

Shortly after the House of Prayer was dedicated by Archbishop Cassidy on July 16, 1993, Christina had an experience in which Satan in rage was dispatching demons with the words, "Go, and do not return to me until you have destroyed that House -never to be resurrected!" Those of you who read those destructive websites are urged to see them for what they are- the work of the devil.

The Reverand Dr Gerard McGinnity, spiritual director of Christina Gallagher, writes about her mission, and questions the deafening silence, as her Messages are fulfilled to the letter.
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Message of Jesus to Christina
February 22, 2024.

My people, I your Lord God command you to make reparation for the many sins committed by you that pierce your souls and leave you destined for hell unless you turn away from sin and make reparation. Many of you have turned away from Me, your Lord who gave you Life and run with him who is death. The power of the antiChrist has now reached such a level of seduction in the world as to gain for him an authority never before attained over the entire world. This is taking place during this lenten season and many will be unable to turn to Me for mercy because evil is so strong. I plead with you to turn to Me, your Lord God who gave you Life and Light. Turn away from Lucifer and his agents. They are drawing multiple souls to hell. I have given you all that you need to withstand this evil process of several multitudes of evil spirits. Turn away while you have time!

Some of My shepherds lead My flock on the road to hell and to you I say 'Shame upon you!' I tell you, you are permitting the souls of many to go to hell and there you will be with them. All you souls who continue to allow the antiChrist and his many legions to lead you to hell, you are permitting yourselves to be parted from Me. How I love you and desire you to turn away from the sins of the flesh which draw you to the underworld for eternity! I once again plead with you - make reparation for your sins, put all things right with Me your God. The world has only death for your souls. There are many going there now. The time of this Lenten season is for you to make reparation for your sins in denying the flesh and the world. Receive My Body on your tongue only. Reject all the abnormalities of the deceiver who is involved in one-sex unions. Disown and separate yourselves from such. It has become a disease of Lucifer. Pray, pray, fast and return to Life in Me. Rejoice at this invitation. Those who hear My words and respond will flourish in soul. They will receive wisdom and the grace needed.

Reject falsity that is spreading like a great fire but very soon you will witness fire falling from the sky. Like all the other messages given by My messenger, that too was changed by the deceiver - the truth he changed to lies and he spread the falsehood. Be alert and receive Truth. Turn back to My Life, those of you who want your souls to be saved. Go to My Mother's Houses. Pray and do penance there for your souls and the souls of your children. There are many in great merrying in the deepest depths of evil and they will lose their souls. They are on their way to hell by their own choice in responding to the call and seduction of Lucifer and his many agents. There is great need for you people of the world to respond to what I tell you.

So many of My shepherds have strayed in fear. Many others unite with the evil that is surrounding you. So many see but their spirit and their flesh are surrendered to the antiChrist.

I tell you, My people, after this Lenten season you will see the fulfilment of what I have given to you all those many years.

Parents, you have permitted your wombs to become graveyards of hell. I tell you pray, fast, do much reparation for the fruit of your wombs who have offspring that does the will of Satan. He is everywhere. The world will descend into its depths of destruction. War is pending. Those who have authority in your world have planned your destruction. The world will be stripped of Life in Me and you people see but choose not to see, hear but respond only to death. Celebration is in the hearts of all in this Lenten season rather than making reparation.

My Mother's Houses will become the corner-stone for you. Hear Me, you people who want to be saved - destruction is upon your world. Soon your lives will be stripped from you and you will have nothing but death and suffering. It grieves My Heart to see how you, My people that I love, allowed your souls to be destined for hell. I bless you in My Father, I His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

My little one, you were unable to write all that I said to you. My Church will be withdrawn from My people in its sacraments but deception will be in its place. The antiChrist will rule and take over the Seat of Peter while My leaders permit such, but they have to know My Mercy will not be permitted to those who follow him who is antiChrist and lead the flock- the few that are- to be denied Truth and My Sacraments. Woe unto you!

And as for you, My shepherds who refuse My flock My Body on their tongue, you only take your own destruction upon yourself, as My Church will be stripped of all that is Mine - but only for a short time, to let all people choose Life in Me or death for eternity.

I will come in the clouds in glory when this time passes.

I gave life and will receive life back unto Myself of those who choose My Life.

My shepherds have disowned Me, many of them for such a long time. They serve the flesh and the world. They make it their choice in death but I say to all people that desire Life in Me, you must renounce self and the world and come to Me: drink of My Life.

My little one, you will be found guilty by some who are in darkness and who do not want to receive Life and Light. Be at peace. I am with you. To those who desire to follow Me, I have given the sacramentals for the time that I will have withdrawn from the world - but it will be for a short time.

The day will turn to night in its darkness, for three days and nights. Have your pure wax candle blessed as no other will light. It is close at hand. When all of My Life in My Church is withdrawn, then the world will be plunged in pain, hunger and illness of all kinds, leading to the sky showering balls of fire. The three days and nights of darkness will then follow and many, many people will be drowned with the antiChrist in the everlasting fire of hell. For those who mock My words, I tell you that you will follow as the rest depart with the antiChrist and his many minnions.

My child, be at peace: do not be afraid. I will be with you unto the end.

I bless you in My Father, in Me His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

On February 10, 2024
Jesus asked Christina to make it known that He desired as many of His priests as possible to unite in their offering of the Latin Mass for their courage and conviction of faith.

Message of Jesus to Christina
for July 16, 2023
I welcome you, My people, here today but there are some of you here in curiosity and to find fault with My messenger that I have called to be My vessel. I desire you open your hearts, your ears and your eyes because, in your time, one year from now you will see much of the final part of the third secret of Fatima being fulfilled. You will experience false prophets come from every side, claiming messages supposed to be of Me. There will be many who will claim a greater form of spiritual experience that will look to be of Me but it will be of the deceiver. Lucifer's powers with those of his army have entered every space on earth and you can witness the abnormalities affecting the youth of the world who are caught up in his seduction of the flesh. Lucifer is turning the world into a form like the pit of hell. His actions and seductions are everywhere! I tell you, people of the world, you have a deep need to destroy the work of Truth that is My Mother's call to repentance. You have destroyed, dissected, mocked and caused every destruction possible of My vessel. I say to all of you who have partaken in this, your weakness is great and will bring about a great desolation of My Life to you in your souls.

Humanity, O humanity, whom I have redeemed with My Life and how My Mercy was poured out upon you! But so many need not My Mercy, rather they desire participation in the work of Lucifer and his many minions. The one world order and its many offshoots are in union with this dark power. As I reveal this to you, I know it puts My vessel at great risk to her life. The authorities over the world's functions are all united and will bring about the mark of the beast which will control you and all your possessions, including even your life. Many sick even now are left to die through lack of care but Lucifer's work in abortion - it receives the best care. There will be many spiritual mockeries or inventions contrived by Lucifer to deceive people. He is about to create every illusion to make you believe it is of Me. My people, I invite you - those of you who want to hear My call - come to My Mother's House and partake of the Fire of My Spirit to gain Wisdom that is of Me. In that way you will recognise the true from the false.

The earth's crust is crumbling and there is much danger to the lives of many and for you people who only want to find fault and dissect My message and My messenger rather than respond to My call, I tell you that you are entering a danger beyond your understanding. I invite those united in My Priesthood to come and receive the Fire of the Spirit so that they may partake of My Wisdom - that which they cannot avail of elsewhere and of which they will be in deep need. You need no permission to do so for it is I, and I alone, who set you free.

The darkened clouds are upon you. Obey My Commandments. Live My Word for it is Truth. Read the seven deadly sins which are committed so widely by so many in your world every day. Pray for My little one for she is weakened by the onslaught of Lucifer and all because of your lack of response. You have brought upon her life a cross that destroys her very existence. My people, for those of you who fail to respond - you live with its consequences.

I bless you in My Father, through Me, Jesus His Son and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God in union with My Mother's Heart forever pleading before Me on your behalf.

(Christina could then see Jesus nailed to the Cross with Blood not flowing but spurting fitfully in blobs particularly from the wound in His side. Our Lady was kneeling beneath the cross, Her hands outstretched and tears flowing from Her eyes.)
Christina could then see many angels in the room followed by a huge angel transparent, in white light but also partially enflamed as in a fire. She was given to understand it is the angel that accompanies the Holy Spirit of God.

Message of Our Lady to Christina
June 7, 2023 (during the flight to New York House of Prayer)
My dear little ones of My Heart, I come to you both today in the joy and glory of Jesus My Son. He desires you both to relate to My children of New York this special call which God permits Me to make: My dear children, I gaze upon each one of you already before the day has commenced. I look into each one's heart. I already know your needs but your needs and the needs of God are so different. You desire to partake of the needs of the flesh and of the world. My children, as your Mother, I desire to teach you that you need to desire what My Son wants to give you. That is what is fruitful for your soul. To accomplish this you must reject the flesh and the world and in your heart desire to become like children to please Jesus your Divine Saviour for the benefit of your souls.

In your existence on earth you want to do the will of God but you want to do the will of your humanity in a much greater way. As your Spiritual Mother I desire you to respond to the call of My Divine Son Jesus. In that way it will not be pleasing to the flesh or your humanity. I desire you live the Law of God and His Commandments. This House is given as a gift for reparation before God. Come and pray in reparation for your souls and those of your families. My dear children, I love each one of you - even those whose hearts are far from Me today - but I stand before your hearts imploring you to make reparation for the good of your souls. Know I am always close to you and I desire each one of you to wear the Matrix Medal because thereupon I pray before the merits of My Divine Son's cross to the Father in Heaven.

My dear children, each one of you is so dear to My Heart and I desire to lead you to the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus. God has granted Me this gift to communicate with you today through My little one and her Spiritual Director. I draw upon this House and upon each one of you a very special blessing. The Precious Blood of My Son will fall upon each one who enters this House. On this day, in union with My little one and her Spiritual Director I will be present and impart through the merits of the Precious Blood of My Divine Son Jesus, great graces. I desire you to listen to My Message and the call of My Divine Son, Jesus.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Message of Jesus to Christina
June 7, 2023
My people, you the redeemed of My Life, I am with you today and I want you to know how much I love you. You who are ailing in body and soul, I invite you to come to My House of Reparation and I can set you free. There will be many healings in body and soul in this House as the apocalypse approaches. Do not await what will happen next but pray in reparation through the Redemption which is the greatest means of My Mercy.

I bless you in My Father, I Jesus, your Redeemer, in the Holy Spirit.

Message of Jesus to Christina
April 24 2023
"My little one, be not afraid. I have chosen you to bring My Word and that of My Mother to the people of the world but few want to know the Word of God or the call of My Mother. You have been denied and so much falsity has been put upon you to make many disbelieve in this work and call which has been given to you. The deceiver had his army spread deceit about you so that many would disbelieve you. My little one, the call I have given you in truth is materialising before the eyes of My people and yet they disbelieve the truth of My call through you.

Christina replied, "My Jesus, I do fear as I see so many believed when I am not believed".

Jesus resumed,
My little one, you are My vessel. Do not be troubled. I will show the world's people who do disbelieve, that it is I, Jesus your Lord who is at work in you more so than in most places, I will permit the world's people to see it is My work and My Hand.

People of the world, how so many of you have been misled by the deceiver who brought about so much wrongdoing upon My Word.

The world will soon experience the three days of darkness.

World war three is with you.

Many illnesses and hunger await you as food, medications and hospital care will be withdrawn.

The man who has done the work of the deceiver will perish for his deception concerning My work, but he is in union with the antichrist. So many were unable to see his deceit.

Now, My little one, My Church is about to fall into the hands of the antichrist through the authority of those who call themselves 'the one-world order'. Antichrist is about to take over the Chair of Peter - it has been prepared for him for some time - and a destruction will take place of My Church, of Truth and of My Sacraments - what you will see taking place will be the deepest depths of what My Mother revealed to Her children at Fatima - but in the darkest hour, My little one, I will let My Hand come upon the world that has become faithless, upon those who want to let their ears not hear and their eyes not see. When My Hand descends upon your world, it will rid the world of all that is not of Me.

Those who have betrayed you, have betrayed Me. I am Truth and I will uphold all that I have given to you, for the world to see. Many in high places of the world know you are telling the truth and that this work is of Me yet your character has been destroyed everywhere through the world by those in My Church, though this work has been seen to be of Me. As for the one who attained such authority, if he values his soul, he will make amends. His authority has left him now and become weakened. Only his falsity and deception regarding you which has spread through the world, remains.

I have shown the power of My Hand in the many miracles I have given to uphold the truth that it is I, your Lord God that has called you to this work and many have received of its fruitfulness but people chose to disbelieve while accepting the deception of the evil one. My dear child, be pleased that all you have endured is like a sweet incense before Me.

The world awaits the third world war. The downfall of My Church is imminent as the seat of Peter is to be handed over to the antichrist and all that is of Lucifer and his army through antichrist will be made welcome but it is then that My Hand will descend upon a world that surrenders to such. The earth will shake. The day will turn to night. It will be the wise who will close their blinds, light a blessed candle before My Mother's Picture with the roses and pray the Rosary continuously. You, people of the world, I tell you do not open your doors. If you do, death will enter. There will be cries that will sound like your family members but it will not truly be your family calling. It will in fact be the spirits of death. The person who will open their door or their blinds will open up to death.

The world has held back My call to you because of the wrong done unto you, but I know the wrong that has been done. I will make this work be seen by the world as My greater Work because of its being attacked in this way, but there have been many souls lost - yet I will save many, many more when the world becomes aware it is My Truth you speak.

My little one, do not let the world's denial of you cause you to doubt. That is only Lucifer. He has no power over you and My Mother will crush his head very soon. The war will soon spread to the Americas and beyond. They have deserted the places of My Call to them for protection. They will witness My Church being emptied of all that is of Me. They would have received Truth and guidance in My Houses of Prayer but the powers of evil were there at every House to destroy. How they will cry bitter tears for their foolishness.

My little one, I bless you in My Father, through Me, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Message of Jesus to Christina
February 22 2023, Ash Wednesday.
"I am your Jesus who loves you and who partook of the chalice of sin for each one of you. I shed My Blood to its very last drop. My Mercy and Love are endless but Lucifer has blinded you, My people. You can not see but you walk in his path and all that he tempts you with.You partake of his temptations and all that is not of Me. You forget Me in your greed,in your arrogance and in your self-will. You feed on all that is of Lucifer, through your flesh that will lead you to the fires of hell which will burn for all eternity, and in them you will be. I desire My Life for each one of you.

Why,oh why,you generation of people, why are you so weak and will not listen, why will you not permit Me to grow in your heart and live in your soul?

The uprisings that My Mother and I have spoken to you about- these start in your hearts, then in your homes and then spread throughout the world. You generation of people, the more you have, the more corrupt you become and the more prideful, yielding to the needs of the flesh all leading to war and now the third world war- all of which is with you: it has begun.

All the powers of Lucifer are now dictating to you. It is he you are listening to. He will lead you on the road to partake of the mark of the beast which is known as 'the chip'. That will separate you from My Life because that chip will have everything of your person and control of your life.

Through this control you reject Me and your final decision is made for death that you have chosen for yourself. I do not desire this for you; I have called you and shown you and proven to you My love and mercy through many healings and the outpouring of grace. I have poured out My Precious Blood upon you. I have pleaded before many hearts but what have you returned to Me? You have shown me sodomy growing rapidly like a cancer in the wind. It is growing in your hearts to destroy your souls. Can you not see it is the seduction of Satan?

Oh women, you desire to murder your unborn children through abortion!
In the gift I have given to you, you permit My Blood once again to be spilled upon the earth.
That is the gift I have given you in the fruitfulness of your womb.
You let Me look and see My Blood once again poured out upon the earth but this time through your being seduced by Lucifer. When I once let My Blood be poured out upon the earth, it was to give you Life of Me and set you free but in that free will you now choose Lucifer's path and walk away from Me. My love and Mercy will never stop till you breathe your last and then your soul will depart with Lucifer where it will then burn in hell for all eternity in the fires that he has already prepared for you. Yet in My Love and Mercy I had prepared a home for you in my Father's House that would have fulfilled your soul for all eternity beyond your understanding. But you refused this, my people: your generation is lost.

My Church authorities united in My Priesthood are not teaching My Truth. They are blinded and walk in dangerous paths. They partake of My Life and yet they do not recognise Me. They are blind to all of Truth that I have given them. They are full of fear of where they are about go and what they are about to do rather than knowing they are meant to serve Me. You, the lambs of your generation, refuse as they do, the Life I had given them and as I said, you are in the time of the ox and the raven*, the lamb and the wolf**. You are in these times now. The fire and brimstone will fall from the sky in fire. You generation of people have brought this upon yourselves through sin. There are many in your world who partake of great suffering. When this suffering is offered, I receive it and I draw to myself many little souls that do not know me or understand. I touch the hearts of many, I pour graces out upon you- but all in vain. Because of your worldly powers through sin you have made money your god but Lucifer will strip you of it all and everything of the world and your life -even your means of survival. Many, many of you including My priest sons who serve Me will go with him. They will unite with him who is Lucifer and, indeed, now there are many united with him in your time.

How it afflicts My Sacred Heart! My Heart is pierced as I look upon you. My people I have given Mercy and My Life to you in abundance but you reject me. My little one, My vessel, I fill and empty you many times with suffering to show people it is I.

Yet they do the same to you as they have done onto Me.

People of this generation, you have denied and belied her and crucfied her so that her life in her humanity is a mere remnant of Mine. Now through your actions in sin against her, see what you have done onto her.

(Jesus then gave a personal message for Christina's spiritual director. He also gave a private message for a particular couple and at the appropriate time it will be conveyed to them. Jesus then concluded;)

I bless you in the name of My Father, in Me, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit who live with you. Amen." _______________________________________________________ *the ox and the raven The ox, because of its mighty strength, was considered the most powerful animal. The raven conoted evil but also unreliability, undependability. So Jesus means we are in the time of superpowers that act for evil intent.

**the wolf and the lamb The phrase means tyrants or aggressors (like wolves) do not need a real reason to justify their savage treatment of the helpless and the innocent (the lambs). Jesus' words are indicating that this is becoming a time when we will be like lambs among wolves.

New Message of Jesus to Christina

Message of Jesus to Christina
January 20, 2023.
My daughter, I give you My call to My people: they hear but they dismiss My call and that of your Immaculate Mother.

To those who reject My call yet search many places that are not of Me, I tell you people just as you are directed in the Book of My Word, 'test the spirits', look for the good fruit and if you find none, then know it is not of My call.

The world is on the brink of its destruction yet all they can think of is what message is new - to fulfil their empty hearts. Live the message of My call and that of your Immaculate Mother. There will be no new messengers, only the false who will lead you to destruction of your soul.

The battles are in place leading to the great and final battle of the world. I call you people of the world, see and believe. The war of the final battle is with you.

Come to My House of Prayer. You will receive the anointing of the fire of the Spirit for your soul and find mercy.

I have sealed many in My Mother's House. Now is the time for you people to receive the outpouring of the fire of Life. Stop running from place to place. Now is the time to listen and hear. Come and receive what the world cannot give you - life of the Spirit's fire for eternal life. Those who receive of this fire will live for eternity. Its time is now. You have the time of seven moons and a half.
* Then fire will fall from the sky.

On this island safety will abide.

Those of you who fail to hear and continue to run from place to place will perish.

I have called for too long. I endure deeply for all souls since the time of My Passion.

I draw from the little ones for love of you. They give of their lives in such pain and sorrow. Christina, My little one Has received the blows you inflict from your falls through sin. Give to Me by taking care of her. Her life has been crushed though she does not understand the many souls I have drawn to Eternal Life through her suffering. Her name has been written in The Book of Life.

My special son Gerard has received much pain of heart that I have drawn from him for you, sinful generation but your time is about to unfold before you the strife leading to world war three. Most inhabitants of the world remain asleep while many others fail to believe and run to find Me here or there. I am in My Mother's House: you can find Me there. My Church - its deliverance is close at hand..
*** The antichrist is in the height of his power and the world's people who have been redeemed by My Blood follow the darkest spirits and run to him who is antichrist. Your time is short before My Hand comes through the sky and the fire falls and devours many.

Oh the falsity of many who are in union in My Priesthood but fail to stand up for Truth and feed My lambs!

Hear My call now before it is too late! Come to My Mother's House and receive the richest anointing of the fire of the Spirit.

Depart from the places that are untrue and do not have the proof of gifts.

My little one of My Sacred Heart, I bless you in the name of the Father, in Me His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

_______________________________________________________ *"Seven and a half Moons"
The meaning of "Seven and a half moons" should not be taken in self-assumption. Christina, many years ago, was guided by Jesus not to interpret in self-assumption anything she received.
In regard to the phrase "seven and a half moons", when she prayed for guidance and enlightenment, she was clearly reminded of the words spoken about Jesus by John the Baptist, "I baptised you with water, but there is one coming after Me who is greater than I and I am not fit to carry His sandals. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire" (Matt.3:9-12) but Christina was also made aware that in harmony with the plan of God in the many actions of salvation history, this gift would would occur in relation to the number twelve. In deference to the 12, the mystical meaning is not seven and a half but the multiple of seven and a half by twelve, making approximately seven years.

Christina understands that the only place in the world where this gift is bestowed is the Mother House of Prayer. People can receive it from now on but few will experience anything until the time when the fire falling from heaven will take place. Those who are alive at that time will receive the gift of the fire of the Spirit in its fulness.

_______________________________________________________ **Christina's name, in fact, literally means "anointed" and "follower of Christ".

_______________________________________________________ *** In the words of Jesus,"From now on there will be a number of people who will claim to be bearers of messages to be delivered to the world. They will not be genuine; they will be deceived by evil spirits - some of them will be deceived even to themselves. Do not follow any such because, from this time forward it will lead to the destruction of your soul, but the chosen ones of many years who have genuinely received divine messages and who have shown fruitfulness of Me, their Lord and God will continue to receive in order to help and guide My people" .

The understanding of 'the deliverance of God's Church' was given to Christina not to be revealed but to be shared with her spiritual director.

_______________________________________________________ Fr. McGinnity, Christina's Spiritual Director comments,

"At the mention of 'the twelve', I consulted Sacred Scripture (and particularly) regarding the end-times and I was amazed to see the frequency of the use of 'the 12'. Jesus chose 12 apostles. (Acts 1:23)
Jacob had 12 sons, from whom descended the 12 tribes of Israel
At the age of 12 Jesus, impelled by the Spirit, went to the temple "about His Father's business" astonishing with His knowledge the teachers of the Law.
When Jesus fed the 5,000 miraculously, 12 basketsful remained full of leftovers.
12 pieces of the Passover Bread had to be placed in the Old Testament tabernacle (Nums.)
12 silver plates, 12 bowls had to be placed in the tabernacle also and 12 animals of each kind (lambs,bulls and rams)had to be sacrificed.
12 priests were set apart by Ezra when Israel returned after their captivity (Ezra, 8)
In the New Jerusalem which God will bring about at the end of time, St. John saw a Tree with 12 fruits - one fruit for each month in a year.
There are 12 gates that descend out of Heaven in the New Jerusalem.
These gates are guarded by 12 angels.
Each of the gates is named for one of the 12 tribes of Israel.
The walls of the New Jerusalem will be 12 cubits by 12 cubits.
The length and the breadth and the height are all equal = 12 stadia.
12 precious stones will form its foundation named after the 12 apostles.
The number of thousands sealed is 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes.
When all is made new, the 12 apostles will sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. (Matt 19:28)
I was amazed to discover such a correlation with the number 12 which I had not previously adverted to!"

A glorious day of prayer was held on 16th July 2022 at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill and crowds gathered, as they do each year, to mark the anniversary of the opening. It was 29 years ago in 1993 when it was opened by Christina Gallagher, at the request of Our Blessed Lady and was dedicated to Our Lady Queen of Peace by the then Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Joseph Cassidy, who described it as "an oasis of peace in a troubled world."

Message of Jesus to Christina - July 16th,2022
"My dear child, give once again to the people of the world, these words;

My Sacred Heart sorrows as does My Immaculate Mother’s Heart. It bleeds from the lack of response of My children for the greatness of the gift of My Life to souls. How you people of the world have trampled that gift of My Life given to you in love but you do not know what awaits your world and what you will have to endure for your sins. You go deeper and deeper into the fog of evil. Lucifer is so joyous with your response to him as you receive his lure and seduction to every kind of sin. The world’s leaders are ready and prepared in so many ways to dispose of many of you and bring about a control of your body and person that will lead to the destruction of your soul. My Church is defiled and leading to the takeover of Lucifer, known to you as antichrist. You can not imagine how he will make you suffer and many will die at his hands. All you have will be at his disposal. People, you who are in darkness now and will not change – many of you will be lost for eternity. I offer you everything for Eternal Life but many refuse Light and Life.

My poor daughter, you were called by Me and My Immaculate Mother over these many years but the people preferred to respond to the seduction of Lucifer more eagerly. The fire will fall from the sky and many people throughout the world will tremble; others will die. There are many places throughout the world where I have sent my Immaculate Mother to call Her children but the true call of My Mother was not heard - to get you ready for the times you are now in. You will witness My Church’s closure and all of My sacraments mocked and disowned but with it will come suffering and death; death in body and soul for many. Many people look for new messages but have not responded to any. My dear child, you have given everything to respond to My call. See how they disbelieve you. They know of My Hand at work in healings, conversions and so many gifts which place My hallmark upon this work but many hate Me and, therefore, they hate you too. So many have refused to help you but all to their regret.

Father Gerard, keep close in unity with My little one. You both have saved souls beyond your imagination. I bless you daily and My Immaculate Mother places Her mantle around you.

On May 14, 2022
Our Lady spoke to Christina;
My daughter, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is the beginning of the third world war which will eventually involve Russia, China and America and many other countries throughout the world. At first it will not be nuclear but will become nuclear and Russia will spread her errors throughout the world as I foretold at Fatima. If only the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart had been made as I had requested but there were even those groomed to infiltrate My Son's Church and create resistance to such things.

The illnesses foretold to you in this Mission have already begun. What you have seen of the man-made virus spreading throughout your world is only the first of a multitude of others still to come. They will be too numerous and rapidly-spreading to investigate or find remedies. Yet there was a man in authority who united with others to do everything possible to destroy this Mission and lead people into blindness and deafness regarding its importance but when he will be called to account before the justice of the Lord, he will have much to endure.

What is coming to the world is a lot more suffering, illness, hunger and a take-over of your very person and eventually, when all this occurs, the Hand of My Son will come over the world with horrendous fire falling from the heavens taking place. Many will die throughout the world. I had told you, My daughter, how the birds of the air and wild animals would feed on the bodies lying upon the earth and how the stench of human flesh would carry for miles upon the wind. Now it is taking place in Ukraine but what you see happening in Ukraine will also occur in other places as diseases and disasters spread and the earth is forever disfigured and unrecognisable. Only when all this takes place will the illumination of conscience happen and eventually the return of My Divine Son.

My Son is being denied His place in His Church. He is cast out. Antichrist is already influencing what is to be done and making ready to take the seat of Peter. Among those within, with the authority leading to the very top, the corruption is indescribable. I told you all those things, My little daughter, many years ago but to no avail. People were listening at first but then they began to be influenced by an authority which only wanted to destroy this Work and Mission and yes, they accomplished their plan abundantly!

You have suffered so much, it even grieves My Heart. I was not meant to speak any further messages but My Heart aches for the suffering I have seen you endure - all at the hands of the evil in human nature. My little one, in what you have endured - for those who helped you, and all who took part in attending to your needs I, your Mother and Mother of Jesus, I have gone to the Heart of My Son which is forever open and I have drawn upon every such person the graces and the pardons for their many wrongs. I will plead for their mercy always but as for those who found excuses to refuse to help you in this illness so as to leave you in the world to help guide it, I will take from them all that God gave in His great mercy and gift and they will have nothing. No-one realises or accepts the reality of what God has called you to. You are not important for your own sake but only because you were chosen to convey God's message. Your endurance was never meant to be in this way. You were meant to endure - yes, suffering but not of this magnitude but God will multiply it many times for souls and one day, in Heaven, you and those who helped this Mission and especially helped you in the different ways that you needed, will be glorified by My Son Jesus. Those who took from you or would not respond to help you, they will have much to lament. Do not be afraid of what you see taking place through the many illnesses that will be brought upon the world - one by one, two by two, multiplying all the time to take life, in union with the third world war and all the unrest and hatred in the hearts of men. Mankind has turned in such surrender to the evil one. How horrendous to the Heart of My Son is the depravity of those who kill their little children in the womb through abortion. They will have much to lament.

My child, it is on account of the grievance of My Immaculate Heart for the enormity of your endurance that My Son Jesus, who communicates with you now, on this one occasion grants Me to intervene especially owing to those who want to take from the reality of your endurance and, by doing so, draw other hearts to react and respond like their own hearts - cold and empty. They, too, will endure their just reward.

Now My dear child, I bless you in abundance and I receive all- every endurance and suffering that you have undergone. I receive everything from the person with a closed heart to the person who has an open heart and responds and My Son's Heart, which is always open, will receive all. You have been left in a desolation of darkness, only that so much more can be drawn from you on account of your having already endured so much but I promise you, My daughter, you will be welcomed with such joy in your Heavenly home when that time comes but I tell you accept and offer everything - those who hurt you, those who deny you, those who show you no love or lack of compassion -just offer without asking why - offer it for the many souls who are now dying in Ukraine but the Americas will have much to suffer as will many other parts of the world. The preparation for war with America has begun. It is only a short time away. Many leaders in the world have a hatred for America and they are already engaged in planning what they will do to her.

I have interceded with My Divine Son regarding the House of Prayer in Texas. It is causing such pain to My Heart that there was not even one genuine, openhearted person willing to come there to save themselves and others from all the horror that is about to befall the world. It saddens My Heart because the protection I had obtained from God through such Houses is more needed for America than elsewhere. It grieves My Heart because many will be lost. My child, do not worry about those things. It is not your fault and around you there are many angels who will continue to be around you but the darkened spirits from hell surround you too because they want to destroy you so that you will not have the courage or strength to endure and continue. I am giving you the grace and help necessary and I am sending to you the hearts of My children - those that are opened to the graces I give, to help and respond in the light of the Spirit of God but those who won't receive the light and Spirit of God in their closed hearts - when they come before God they will lament and even before they come before God they will lament.

So, My dear child, I wrap you in My Mantle, I keep the holy angels around you. Fear not because I am with you: My gaze is always upon you and the houses you ever enter or the people upon whom you will ever invoke a blessing will be forever blessed through My Motherly Heart and through the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus. I bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

"Of all the messengers I have called, you, My little one are most hated by Lucifer. The wind you are permitted to hear so often when all is calm outside, is the fury of the devil's legions from hell. He continues to afflict you but I stand between you and the deceiver.

During the days of utter darkness, when days becomes night, draw down the blinds, do not attempt to look out and do not open your door for the evil spirits will imitate screams of your living and deceased family members- otherwise death will enter and all therein will die. Only pray. The only prayer to be said at that time is the Rosary. It should be constantly recited before the three-dimensional picture of My Mother with the Roses. I desire people to have a blessed pure wax candle lighting before the picture. The Blessed Sacrament over My Mother's Heart in that picture will remain illuminated for all. Those who make the picture received that gift from My Mother. Only they can make it but they will require additional help to cope with requests for it. Those who refused it already will be tested by its increased cost when they try to obtain it in the future but those who criticise its cost will not gain the protection it provides. They ought not to attack its cost. Those who are like the wise virgins in the Gospel parable will have the picture with the roses. Be aware you will be mocked and scoffed at when people hear this about the picture but they are only the foolish who will do such - they will say it is " a money racket".

There will be much suffering before that - many disasters will occur in the world that will lead to great suffering and war. The time is short before those events begin. You will know the time for the days of darkness has come when everything of God is denied and got rid of. All My Sacredness, My sacraments, will disappear and My Church be destroyed. No-one will want to know Me. I will be removed from a darkened world. Only the remnant will remain in union with Me in silence. Many will curse Me and accuse Me of being their destruction and downfall, and many will worship the beast and go with him willingly. When all seems lost - that will be the time for My Hand to come upon an evil world and sweep all iniquity into hell.

The world's inhabitants will see a bright cross with My Resurrected Body upon it, radiating enormous light from My sacred wounds. The sinner who looks upon this light will die of shock from the impurity of their body through sin. Lucifer tempted many to take from the message given to you by Me your God and they changed it to suit themselves, pandering to the world to gain world acclaim.

Your mission is overshadowed by deception and evil persons. Those who know the truth of My work and message through you and yet fail to defend the truth by speaking up for it, I hold accountable before My justice.

I will send people to My House of Prayer. I will open their ears to hear the Truth and their eyes to recognise it. They will recognise all that I gave you fulfilled all around them.”

I saw Jesus anoint me with His thumb on my forehead, my lips and my heart with His Precious Blood.

[Message of Jesus to Christina - December 13th 2021 ]

Dates of the Live-Stream events from the House of Prayer Achill to the New York House of Prayer have been re-arranged and will now take place on Saturday 4th & 18th December 2021 and then on Saturday 8th January 2022. The Live-Stream from the House of Prayer Achill is only live to the New York House to encourage people to go there and pray and make reparation as Jesus has requested for the protection of New York.

House of Prayer New York
31 Mount Ebo Road, Nth.,

Tel: +914 770 3399

Open every day from 9.30am until 6pm

Despite the clarity of the DISCLAIMER beneath, it was repeated falsely today, (August 17th) on RTE's 'Liveline' programme that Christina Gallagher's website says that 'those who take the anti-covid vaccine will go to hell' - that it is 'the mark of the beast'. No such thing has EVER been said by Christina nor do such remarks appear on her website. This is the website -the ONLY website - of Christina Gallagher- and her mission. False websites have been maliciously created in the past by those wishing to attack and damage the mission, to mislead people and to calumniate Mrs. Gallagher.

Indeed it was also wrongly remarked on today's programme that Mrs. Gallagher owns several houses in the US and in Ireland. This is entirely false. The Houses of Prayer of Our Lady Queen of Peace that exist in the United States and the one in Ireland do not belong to Mrs. Gallagher and are of no financial or material benefit to her, being in charitable trusts. They were put in place voluntarily by the people in response to the call of Our Blessed Lady.

In actual fact, far from owning houses, misinformation conveyed especially in the tabloid media has been responsible for endangering her safety and even her life, causing her each time she is persecuted, stalked and made a hate-figure to sell her own home so that she can find the money to move somewhere that might be safer.

During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus,
"You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life."

Meanwhile rivers increasingly run 'blood-red' throughout the world, summer heat breaks all records while floodwaters wreak havoc ....

My little one, I desire you tell the people of the world what I reveal to you.

People of the world, I have called you My people but you have disowned Me. So many people fail to listen or care and will not respond to My call and that of My Mother for all these many years. So many live by the flesh and the world - then, you will also die by the flesh and the world.

You foolish man, how you will suffer through the man of perdition. He is at your doors. You have opened your life to him. Antichrist is devouring you in multiple ways. The take-over of the world is with you and you fail to see!

I have offered you so much protection but you rejected all I offered you. You rejected Me who is Life and you followed death. My existence was far from your hearts.

For the remnant I have given safety in My Sacred Heart: I have given them the safety of life in Me. The 'wise virgins' responded. You people will be hunted down by the dogs of death who have your downfall ready. You will be forced to partake of the overflowing chalice. You refused life, now you will partake of death at the hands of the man of death.

Those of the remnant will be blessed who will have the Petal which has the outpouring of My Heart and that of My Immaculate Mother's Heart.

My Mother's picture with the Roses will bring great protection to the homes where the Rosary is prayed in its presence because I will flow many graces through it. People of the world, how I have pleaded with you to open your eyes and hearts but to no avail. Those who could have been of benefit to draw people into the awareness of My messages preferred their self status of the world.

The Houses of Protection which My Mother pleaded with you to put in place were left without workers: so often only those who wanted self-gain entered. Not all, but many hearts were closed.

I pleaded for the House in New York but there was so much conflict and disbelief - all having their say but without the grace I offered through My Mother's Heart. Now you will see the parable of 'the foolish virgins' being fulfilled in your world.

Control of you is imminent. It will be enforced upon you. Death will be your reward because you did not listen. My Church will be destroyed. The shepherds have permitted the man of perdition to take all that is Mine but when all seems lost I will come and bring forth My Immaculate Mother to rescue the remnant.

Remember the gifts and the places of refuge I have offered you - that will be all you will have, for those of you who survive. I am before every heart but I will not be permitted to enter.

I will rescue those of the remnant who have open hearts and wear on their person the Precious Petal I have offered in the unity of My Heart and My Immaculate Mother's Heart. There is no safety except through My Life.

Those of the world who were living in darkness rejected My greatest gifts and even the gift of their earthly life. Their refusal has left them in permanent darkness -because of their rebuke of Me, their Lord God who gave them such.

To the remnant I say, My truth shall be with you through the littlest of My messengers whom so many of you scorned for so many years.

Make your peace with My prophets while you have time because for many death and destruction are before you as the man of death approaches. Take heart that you can turn and listen and receive the truth that is offered to you. Arm yourself with the gifts offered before it is too late. It is already too late for many. How My Heart sorrows for the lack of people to come into the vineyard of My Work - to respond to the call of My Word in My Mother's Houses. They are empty -just like you, My people, all worshipping the world and the flesh, but, My people, I am Jesus, Son of God who has called you and I also called you through My Mother's Heart but to little or no avail...

but for the small remnant that responded, blessed are those that heard and responded to Me who is Life.

You have but little time left now to respond to My Mercy and put the things of your darkened world away from you. Pray for mercy.

I bless you all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

"I speak to you, My people of the world, through My little one. See how she has upheld the messages I give to her to warn you of what is to befall you. I wanted you to turn away from sin and the thirst of your flesh: it craves fulfilment of all that is evil and not of Me. I am Life and I have come to call you back to Life and fill you with grace and mercy but you have abandoned Me and permitted yourselves to be seduced through the desires of your flesh to be led into the pit of death. You see all that is evil around you but, My people, I still love you and My desire for you is to open your hearts to your Lord God, receive from Me Truth and see with your eyes - you are on the way to hell and you fail to see or believe.

My people, I will always call you even though you have strayed far from Me. I continue to plead before each heart to open to Me, let Me in, I can rekindle Life and grace in you. As for the world around you- can you not recognise its poisons and the army of hell seducing you on every side, leading you on the way that leads only to hell? I desire with the love that flows from My Sacred Heart, that you turn away from the beast that seduces you in heart, flesh and life. Partake of all that I offer you with the love of My Sacred Heart. Your world is filled with the demons from hell multiplying temptation and the many evil deeds that continue to draw you on the road to perdition.

My priest sons, how so many of you have abandoned the flock -as you have abandoned Me, your God. You once upheld with joy and respect our union in My Priesthood but you have long since abandoned Me and the flock. The world's deprivation is increasing: soon you will be left with nothing. There will be disease of multiple kinds to ravage the flesh and bring death to much of the world's inhabitants. The sea will cover many parts of the earth and the corpses of many will rot on the ground as their stench is carried for miles around.

I make this plea with you people who have received Life in Me. Arm yourselves with My Life. I offer Myself to you - My Mercy, My Grace, My Life. Save yourselves because you have little time left. The world as you know it will be unrecognisable soon. It will be changed forever. The calamities will increase as will the earth's darkness from the demons of hell. They can be heard in Heaven as they rejoice at their victory.

My sacraments were withdrawn from you without reason. Very soon they will no longer be available to you but only an alternative which will not be of Me. You will partake of poison. Yes, you will feed on the poisons already prepared for you.

My people, those of you who have open hearts , hear Me. Arm yourselves with the prayer of the Rosary and pray it many times from your heart. Pray before My Mother's picture which is surrounded by roses.

Keep the Petal close to your heart: that will be your armour when My sacraments are withdrawn from you.

Pray for My priests who have deserted Me.

I will grant many graces before the darkest days draw close to you. There will be darkness as day turns to night. The mountains will fall on you. I bless you, My little one, in the Name of the Father, in Me His Son and the Holy Spirit."

THESE GLARING EXAMPLES of Messages dramatically fullfilled have been available all these years in the Message Book - and SO MANY MORE...

"Many will desert God's Church. They do it now but soon they will be seen to run..." (July 16, 2006)

"Your Isle (ie. Ireland) will have abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage - all of which grieve My Sacred Heart..."

"...Soon the shackles will be upon you and you will be unable to do as you desire...The Name of God will be hated by many as the darkness grows...The Laws of God are disowned and pushed aside..." (July 16, 2009)

"Your hospitals are withdrawing their care from all of you..." (July 25, 2014)

"... Powers in union with antichrist, through their signatures, have left you powerless...The air and food are poisoned to bring about sickness, pain and death for many...the unity of powers to destroy is with you now... (May 10, 2015)

"...The powers of antichrist are upon your world. His control is at every corner as in the man-made virus, and many more illnesses to strike fear into your hearts..." (July 25, 2020).

In the message of Jesus to Christina during her visit to the Chain Houses of Prayer in the US in October 2012, He said, "...The rocks from the glaciers will hit you but you will fail to understand what is happening..."

NEWS Report Link: Himalayan glacier broke and crashed into a dam - Feb 7th 2021

On July 25, 2002, Our Lady, in Her message remarked, "I warn you of the many, many strange things which are to befall the world" and on July 29, 2010 Our Lady stated, "The world as you know it will become changed and disfigured".

NEWS Report Link: Mouse apocalypse on the march across Australia, damaging crops and invading homes - Feb 6th 2021

In Her message to Christina on July 16, 2005 Our Lady warned, among many other happenings, of destructive "mudslides beyond normal capacity" and on July 29, 2010 She even spoke of "cities near coastlines being swept into the sea".

NEWS Report Link: Coast to Coast Record Storm Feb 2021

On July 25, 2002, Our Lady, in Her message remarked, "I warn you of the many, many strange things which are to befall the world" and on July 29, 2010 Our Lady stated, "The world as you know it will become changed and disfigured"..

NEWS Report Link: White Cliffs of Dover COLLAPSING - Feb 2021

More on Christina Gallagher Prophesy Fullfilled


Message received by Christina - 31 December 2020

The Lord spoke to Christina in a very stern voice. He said,
"Woe, woe, woe unto the one who blocked My word to the heart and soul of mankind who might have responded to Me.

Fire, pestilence, plague, famine and the third world war will rage upon the earth until two thirds of the world's population is wiped out. Those who will remain living will envy the dead. The man from the east will be evil, cruel and show no mercy to the world's inhabitants. O the foolishness of man believing that when he has a vaccine, all will return to a normal behaviour - as it was before. How foolish of such 'man' who has failed to hear My call because if My words had been taken to heart, you would have the wisdom to understand how you have been deceived by those in union with antichrist. It will be the deception of the man-made powers to control and destroy you!

My Church has emptied itself of all that belongs to Me and has left you My people without anyone to shepherd the flock. As I once told you, I will shepherd My flock Myself and woe unto the man that has led My people into darkness and has denied the sacredness of the treasures of My Church to My people. So many run and hide rather than serve My flock with the celebration of Mass and feed My lambs with My Sacred Body but to such as these who claim to be shepherds, I say, 'You have brought Me nothing but shame.'

The world enters now the darkness of antichrist so there is no return to 'normality' as man sees it but to the darkness in union with antichrist being forced upon you in your deliberate failure to respond to My call. My Church is prepared for the entry of antichrist as there are those in union with antichrist active in My Church and there are those bringing about a one-world currency. As I have already told you, they will control your existence, dictating to you in the manner they desire and all that you own will no longer belong to you. As you, o foolish people, behold all this unfolding before you, I want you to realise the many times I have echoed those words through My little one- but to no avail.

The stench of death will be everywhere because life will have neither meaning nor value for those of antichrist: you will be disposed of. I call upon mankind to pay attention and listen to what I say. Open THE BOOK and read at chapter eight of the seventh seal of God..."

(For the convenience of those who may not have a copy of THE BIBLE at hand, chapter eight of the Apocalypse is provided immediately following this message. Jesus then concluded;)

"...At this time there will be a great silence in Heaven.

Pray, pray, pray for the souls of all humanity and the souls of the many who will die unprepared. Little one, do not be afraid to make known all I tell you.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

Apocalypse, Chapter 8
(The seventh seal of God)

The Lamb then broke the seventh seal, and there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

Next I saw seven trumpets being given to the seven angels who stand in the presence of God. Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. A large quantity of incense was given to him to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that stood in front of the throne and so from the angel's hand the smoke of the incense went up in the presence of God and with it the prayers of the saints. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar which he then threw on to the earth: immediately there came peals of thunder and flashes of lightning, and the earth shook.

The seven angels that had the seven trumpets now made ready to sound them. The first blew his trumpet and, with that, hail and fire, mixed with blood, were dropped on the earth; a third of the earth was burnt up, and a third of all trees, and every blade of grass was burnt. The second angel blew his trumpet, and it was as though a great mountain, all on fire, had been dropped into the sea: a third of the sea turned into blood, a third of all the living things in the sea were killed, and a third of all ships were destroyed. The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from the sky, burning like a ball of fire, and it fell on a third of all rivers and springs; this was the star called Wormwood, and a third of all water turned to bitter wormwood, so that many people died from drinking it. The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were blasted, so that the light went out of a third of them and for a third of the day there was no illumination, and the same with the night.

In my vision, I heard an eagle, calling aloud as it flew high overhead, 'Woe, woe, woe, for all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels are going to blow.'


--------------- SPECIAL NOTICE ---------------

Message of Jesus to Christina, October 29, 2020;

The world is sinking into the bowels of antichrist. The humanity of the world begins its Calvary, brought about by you - people who refuse to respond to Truth and to live the call of My Mother and Myself throughout the world. I have called and brought about signs which so many people wanted but to no avail. You people, many of you chose to take part in the flesh and the world's fruits. You refused to listen but you were able to mock and lead others to disbelief with you. Now you sink into the bowels of antichrist and you will be held bound in its clutches. You will have no control over your persons or possessions in the world and your suffering will be great.

Woe unto the people of the Americas: there were none of you who desired to help in My Mother's Houses that were given for your protection. You were too busy living lives of the world and in sin. Many of those who did come, came only to partake of its goods, to steal - with no thought or interest to live My call and that of My Mother.

(Jesus then referred in stark terms to the wrongdoing against His Mother's House in Ohio....) ...and there were only four people who worked in my Mother's Houses in the Americas who were genuine.

The world will endure unbearable suffering because of its lack of response.

People, if only you had listened and responded, it would be so very different.

He who had an authority over this Mission used his voice and pen to bring its fruitfulness for souls to an end. Woe unto him who is united in the darkness of such evil.

Those who received the gift of healing for all to see and hear about, gave back unto Me only insult rather than thanksgiving.

The Houses of Prayer that were called for by My Mother and Myself were deserted by you, people. As you have failed to respond they have been left barren. The fruitfulness has been lost due to your lack of response but has been regained through My Mercy and through the endurance of sufferings you have imparted to My little one and My brother Gerard. You people have cast every kind of calumny unto them and especially unto My poor little one. You people who have done harm and have caused such pain unto her, need to ask for pardon and forgiveness from Me and from her. I am your Lord God.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You can send any donation -large or small- to;

Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer
33932 County Rd.18
Sauk Centre
MN 56378
(Tel: 320-352-9954)

making cheque/bank draft payable to "Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer" and writing in the memo on the bottom of the cheque "for House of Prayer in New York"

Our Lady's House in New York
was dedicated and opened to the public on 28 August 2021.

Message of Jesus to Christina Gallagher - July 25th, 2020
"My little one, I desire you write down all that I tell you. Tell all the people of the world My truth.

I am Jesus – He who redeemed each one of you. You have become blind through sin and because you deserted Me, but I still thirst for each one of you. So many of you are blind and you do not know what is happening all around you. I will tell you.

The man of perdition has many in his army at work. He is Lucifer and his many minions -his legions- rage upon the earth. You walk in a world that no longer belongs to you. The powers of antichrist are upon your world. His control is at every corner as in the man-made virus and many more illnesses to strike fear into your hearts but your fear should be for what his army are doing – in the one-world government of dictatorship and control of all that you own and especially control of your person to destroy your soul.

You My people have opened your hearts and lives to all of the world and the flesh. You disowned Me and you left yourselves available to be led into darkness that is death. I have called you many times for many years. Now your choice has led you to this. Most of you will be stripped of all that you have and own, then stripped of your life and robbed of eternal life. How foolish you have been! All that you will be told by the dictatorship of the world is intended to control you. Your governments have signed into all of this, in the one-world government.

As for the one-world Church, you see how you have been deceived. The one-world Church that is not of Me is with you. True shepherds or true priests have little time left to choose whether they serve Me or Lucifer and his minions in the form of antichrist. Many will choose antichrist out of fear and lack of conviction of their faith. True priests will serve Me and trust Me. They will feed My lambs and speak truth. Some may lose their earthly life but gain eternal life in Me. You are all to fear not the man that can kill the body but I tell you truly you must fear the one who can kill the soul.

Your disobedience in refusing to recognise My message and My messenger has led to this great destruction coming upon you. You will have terrible calamities all over the world; floods so great that they will tear away towns in their great force, landslides that will sweep away many parts of towns and cities on most coastal areas around the world, earthquakes that will take hundreds of lives at once. Fear will be everywhere as the stench of death will travel for miles in the wind. Hunger pangs will be all around as so many cry to heaven for help but you have abandoned My mercy to even avail of My help. Great loss of the world’s population will take place; some are prepared but many will not be prepared and will descend into Hades to await My final judgement. The third world war will come and it will take many people to their death. For many, hell is all they have chosen for their merit.

My little one, see I cry for the souls who were foolish, like the foolish virgins.

How My many shepherds have abandoned Me for so long. Now they lead the flock into the pit. My flock is scattered and full of fear - I will shepherd My flock Myself but there is much suffering to be endured first and the loss of much of the world’s population.

My little one, you are troubled and afraid, too. I tell you I am with you. Be not afraid.

I bless you,

Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

"My daughter, write down all that I tell you. It is important for all the people of the world.

People, I say to you listen and hear what I tell you. How foolish you were to abandon My Mother's Houses. How you have lost many graces My Mother desired to give you for protection. You continue to walk in blindness and without My grace you will fall like the many of My priest sons. You see how fast My priest sons hide and fail to give My Sacrifice to you - that of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of My Son Jesus - to nourish you in soul.

Your world has with it the deepest darkness of hell, the antichrist. How so many bow down to his power! Yet even more will do so in a short time. You will all be called into the suppression and dictatorship of antichrist. You will be called upon to receive the vaccine that is death, and the mark of the beast will be forced upon you. Those who receive it willingly will die - unto eternal death.

Those of My people who took part in the destruction of My Mother's House will receive my justice. How the shepherds partook in this destruction as well as those who deliberately set about to destroy it! How this House is a light and those who stayed firm in commitment to its fruits and the many graces received there, you will merit your eternal home for My mercy will be with you at the hour of death. Know that those of you who have helped and made sacrifices for this House, will receive Life in Jesus at the hour of death: My Mercy will flow upon all such souls.

There will be sorrow that will befall all who have received but have run away and denied the truth of the fruitfulness they have received from Me. I gave the gift of life spiritually and in many I gave the gift of life in body but so many were ashamed to remain faithful. They found it easier to flow with the deception that was handed out unto you, My little one, yet some of them were even aware of the falsity done unto you. I will show up in the Light all those who have wronged you and My Mother's House.

In the times upon you there will be many sufferings. You will all enter a time of such evil and darkness that you do not think is possible. You will have no place to run or hide. They are blessed who have received a Precious Petal, blessed by Me and My Mother. Those who obtained the Picture of My Mother with the white roses and pray the rosary in its presence will draw down great grace of protection in the times that are to come. My child, because of your endurance I will permit to those in every home you entered, a great mercy.

There will fall upon the earth fire. The third world war is imminent. Bishop will find fault with bishop. Division will be everywhere. In the hearts of those in darkness will be a great desire to fight the children of light.

I tell you, My child of light, there will be those in darkness who will find fault with what I tell you now. Fear not, you are in My Life. Fear no man. Live only for Me and give unto an ungrateful world the words of truth that I give you.

My shepherds, how your behaviour has shamed Me, but you do not have the conviction of Truth. You permit the gifts I give of Myself to be suppressed and withheld from My little ones. Why do you call yourselves shepherds of Mine? How so many of you have merry-ed your time with the powers of darkness and your sins have enslaved you even more deeply now with the darkness of sin that is upon you. Wake up, plead for mercy while you still have time. Do not be foolish to assume that when this virus is over you will be free. It is a continuation of the great apostasy - the desertion of the Truth, but Truth will remain even if there were only a very small remnant to be saved.

You will have death on every side. The third world war is close at hand - a great destruction in the world.

I rebuke those who commit the sin of sodomy, they are in a great darkness of sin and those partaking in abortion - the killing of the unborn - make themselves the embodiment of sin, they live for bloodshed, both those who carry out such deeds and those who need them. The blood of the unborn murdered in abortion is calling out to stop this diabolical force at work.

My child, I bless you and My dear brother Gerard for the faithfulness of your witness to Me and to My Mother's call for humanity.

I bless you abundantly,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

Note: The Message given for July 25th will be available here shortly.

Fulfilment of Messages to Christina

One-World Government
With the universal imposition of 'lockdown' and the unprecedented removal of basic rights and personal freedoms across the globe, people all around the world are now able to see the exact fulfilment of the strong and frequent warnings Heaven gave us through Christina since 1992. These warnings grew more emphatic over the last 20 years culminating in the use of the word 'suppression' as many as five times by Jesus in a single message on April 26, 2020. Only a year previously, on April 25, 2019, Jesus had said, "Time is becoming short before the world will witness a darkness and suppression from a power beyond the world -a power of antichrist." Jesus went on to explain that the suppression would come upon us through the one-world government. (Read the full message of April 25, 2019 on page 46 of RECENT HEAVENLY MESSAGES TO CHRISTINA GALLAGHER). In His message three months later on July 16 and 25, Jesus said, "how your leaders allow greater powers to dictate to them, to take over and lead your countries, but only to destroy them..." (Read the full message on page 51ff of the booklet RECENT HEAVENLY MESSAGES TO CHRISTINA GALLAGHER.)

Neutrality of individual countries signed away.
Making clear that the neutrality and autonomy of our individual countries have been effectively signed away, Jesus in His message to Christina on May 10, 2015 had explained, "Powers in union with antichrist, through their signatures, have left you powerless. Poverty and suppression is planned for many... The unity of powers to destroy is with you now..." (Read the full message on page 359 of THE CROSS UNCOVERED by Christina Gallagher.) Even from as far back as 2003, Our Blessed Lady Herself was regularly warning us -especially in Her July messages- about "the purification which would come" upon us "through the many means of control that were being put in place". (See page 332 of THE CROSS UNCOVERED.) This is clear to be seen if we glance at what She said on the subject of 'suppression' over that period;

One-World Dictatorship
"A one-world dictatorship over all you own is taking shape... the world is about to be plunged into a warfare of the antichrist. He will be head of all ruling in the world..." (Message of July 16, 2003.Read the full message on page 267ff. of THE CROSS UNCOVERED); "Control of the Beast is at hand..." (Message of July 16, 2005. Read the full message on p.280ff. of THE CROSS UNCOVERED); "The antichrist is in the world in human form. You will experience his power and seduction. Also, you will experience your free will being removed through his control..." (Message of July 25, 2005 on page 281ff of THE CROSS UNCOVERED); "Soon, great darkness will come upon you, suppression and control. You will experience this and you will be aware of its power to control or dispose of you. I beg you once again wake up and realise the signs of your times..." (Message of July 16, 2009. Read the full message on page 311ff.of THE CROSS UNCOVERED); "The world and each one of you will experience much suppression, and you will be deprived of the ability to carry out your will..." (Message of July 25, 2010. Read the full message on page 322ff. of THE CROSS UNCOVERED); " the arising of him who is anti of Christ is with you and his powers are suffocating and blinding many, many of My people." (Message of March 15, 2011. Read the full message on page 325 ff. of THE CROSS UNCOVERED); "What will be brought about in the world will be a great injustice. You will feel paralysed on every side and completely oppressed. Everything will be made so difficult..." (Message of May 31, 2014. Read the message in full on page 351ff. of THE CROSS UNCOVERED).

Religious Suppression
The darkness of this suppression warned by Jesus and Our Lady in so many messages soon became evident to people as the forced lockdown continued. It became clear that the civil authorities in each country were deprived of their role of determining what is for the common good and were nothing more than “puppets” to enforce the will of greater powers above them.The same menu of restriction was demanded in uniformity across the world. People can now see that Our Lord's message of 2015, "The unity of powers to destroy is with you now..." has become a startling reality! Faceless people behind the scenes are now deciding the fate of the world. As the terrible stress of the lockdown began to take its toll, what people were experiencing was exactly what Jesus had described to Christina in that message of May 31, 2014: they literally felt "paralysed on every side and completely oppressed. Everything" was "made so difficult"! People were hearing increasingly in the news cases of mental health breakdown, of more widespread domestic violence, more frequent youthful suicides and talk of a predicted rise in divorce applications. It was becoming abundantly clear that fundamental personal and family rights and freedoms were being violated by the lockdown, the weak and the elderly were being penalised and forced into painful separation from their loved ones and personal relationships were being criminalised! In fact, other very disturbing observations were made in relation to the disproportionate intrusions into family life…guidelines for teachers to conduct class "discussions" about the pandemic with their pupils when they would return to school following the lockdown in France instructed the teachers to dismiss any remarks that children might have picked up from their grandparents or parents explaining reasons for the virus -such as "permitted by God as a judgement for immoral trends in the world" or purification by God for deviant human behaviour" or "infidelity to His Commandments"! The guidelines sought to undermine and eradicate any moral evaluation of the epidemic in the minds of the pupils and to invalidate the religious guidance which the children might possibly have picked up or received at home. Of course, we know it is the God-given right and responsiblity of parents to be "the first teachers of their children in the ways of Faith" as the sacrament of Baptism always emphasises. Those anti-religious teacher guidelines, by trying to undermine the faith of the children also fulfils in a further way Our Lady's message in 2005, "Control of the Beast is at hand..."

It also amazed and disturbed many people to notice that the process of isolating them was so well prepared and enforced. It looked like a practice-run to better manipulate and control them…and ultimately track their movements. This awareness was reinforced by some of the containment measures adopted, such as closing businesses and shops entirely which brought down entire sectors of the economy and encouraged interference by foreign powers leading to too much ultimate dependence upon them, but it was especially evident in the way religious rights were dealt with. In Italy a bishop protested, "It's a dictatorship". Bishop d'Ercole was venting his fury at the prime minister's decision to extend the ban on all religious ceremonies. "It's the people's right to go to Church", a number of bishops across Europe argued when they saw a growing list of institutions allowed to open following the pandemic while churches were strictly ordered to stay closed! This edict particularly rankled when the Church had made its own proposals for ensuring personal distancing and public health. They accused the civil leaders of "arbitrarily" depriving priests and citizens of their rights and demanded respect for the autonomy of the Church. In addition, heavy-handedness on the part of police who broke the law by unwarranted and excessive action against priests and churches in France, Spain and Italy caused legal actions to be taken -as also in Germany and the United States- to highlight discrimination against worship but, of course, these actions achieved little or nothing.

So, while those words of Jesus in 2014 that this "injustice", this feeling of being"paralysed on every side" and being "completely oppressed" was "suffocating" at a personal and family level, it was particularly felt in everything to do with worship, with access to churches, to visiting the Blessed Sacrament and celebrating the sacraments. As a Polish radio presenter expressed it, "It revives painful memories of communist rule but we’ve never been barred from churches before, even in periods of persecution..."

Powerful Mudslide Sweeps
8 Buildings and Coastline
into the Sea at Alta in Norway
on June 4, 2020
A terrifying fulfilment of the message of Our Lady to Christina as far back as 2005 took place yet again only days ago.

Our Lady's message on July 16, 2005 had warned -among many other happenings- that "mudslides beyond normal capacity and many other abnormal and strange happenings" would come to the world. This was the famous message Our Lady conveyed to Christina mentioning in detail the extraordinary Weather Changes that would strike the world. Now the Weather extremes foretold by Our Lady in Her messages to Christina can Be witnessed in their fulfilment throughout the whole world on a daily basis.

Yet people in Ireland were so shocked on September 19, 2003 when Our Lady's warning of the mudslides struck in Co. Mayo and took unawares those who were not listening or heeding Our Lady's warning. On that occasion 20 mudslides struck the West Coast there and swept human remains from a cemetery near Pollathomas into the Atlantic Ocean.

Since then massive mudslides have wreaked havoc in virtually every country throughout the world. The latest happening in Norway was perfectly captured on cctv.

It is scary, eerie and almost surreal to watch.
It brings to mind a number of other messages of Jesus to Christina, for example, "The world as you know it, will become changed and disfigured" (Jesus, July 29, 2010); and also "You will see cities near coastlines swept into the sea".

Click HERE to Watch the CCTV footage of Norway mudslide

Day by day fresh events continue to pile up proof upon proof, powerfully fulfilling every single message received by Christina for the world from the very beginning of the apparitions to her of Jesus and His Blessed Mother - the most recent being the 'plan to have a one-world Church which would not be of God' (see adjacent letter of archbishop Vigano). This statement expresses precisely what Christina as a lone-voice has tirelessly kept repeating over several years and which -like everything else she has received- was printed and published at the time it was given. As far back as November 20, 1992 Christina was first made aware by Our Blessed Lady of the work of antiChrist raising himself up and gaining control through the unity of the EU, bringing about a uniting of European currencies, a one-world bank, a one-world government, a cashless society, imposition of the 'chip' [ie the 'mark of the beast'], a man-made Church (not of God), leading to a godless society of suppression and dictatorial control. Although no-one could have foreseen or even dreamt of such developments back in 1992, their announcement and fulfilment over the years have been met with a strange, deafening silence.

What is intriguing in all this time is that, despite each of these truths being perfectly fulfilled exactly as given so many years beforehand by Christina, she has never been acknowledged in justice and honesty as the bearer of such vital truth. Why is she so blatantly denied the credit due to such an important work of God? One has to ask why? Is it that those who consistently tried to undermine her and discredit her, resented or feared the fact that she knew too much? Indeed, a quotation circulating many years ago would seem to have contained such sentiments; "Christina Gallagher is becoming too big, too quickly!". And it is not just a silence in the face of such staggering world events as these -so accurately described beforehand by Christina and subsequently fulfilled 'to the letter' by God, but also about acknowledging the raft of stunning and dreadful developments for our own country which seemed impossible when Jesus said to her on January 26, 2013, "Your isle will have abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, all of which grieves My Sacred Heart..." , but which surely overtook Ireland with alarming speed.

Why?, one must ask, does the same deafening silence continue to greet the perfect fulfilment in every detail of the entire mission entrusted by Heaven to Christina for over 30 years now...the warnings of man-made diseases and plagues, the many uprisings and wars, unrest and rebellions, the tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, twisters, intense flooding, mudslides, coastland collapsing into the sea, lightning low and dangerous, the devouring locusts, the droughts -all at abnormal intensity and in unaccustomed places, the earth's plasma boiling up and the glaciers approaching while we see 'sin multiplying faster than wildweed'...

Heaven's alarm could hardly be louder yet acknowledgement of Christina couldn't be more silent. But WHY?

(Spiritual Director to Christina)


Christina Gallagher Journalists experience over 32 years


A long-time Irish journalist, someone who has accumulated more direct and extensive knowledge than any other writer or media person, in Ireland or elsewhere, of Christina Gallagher's mission for souls over the past 32 years, speaks out on why the Irish visionary's messages can no longer be ignored, or treated with scepticism, or as something to be condemned. He explains why he is convinced that the messages which Christina has received since January 1988, urgently need to be taken to heart by as many people as possible, and urges that open-minded people do so, in whatever little time still remains....

Dick Hogan is a professional journalist and long-time editor, well known in the Irish midlands having edited a local weekly newspaper for almost five decades, since he and a few others set up a new printing business in 1991 and launched the paper that November.

He is co-founder also of a national monthly family magazine, titled Ireland's Eye, launched by the the same firm, Topic Newspapers Ltd. Mullingar, in late 1979. He also launched the "Irish Family" - a Catholic weekly newspaper in 1992, and edited it for more than a dozen years, until it could no longer be sustained financially.

While researching material for Ireland's Eye in 1990, he first heard about alleged apparitions of Our Lady in Ireland, involving a young married housewife from Co. Mayo. In early 1991, because of the contents of a trashy Sunday newspaper article shown to him, one which he disbelieved, he made up his mind to try to get in touch with the woman being ridiculed in the newspaper - Christine Gallagher, (as she was then being described) and discover her side of the story.

He hoped to interview the alleged visionary and weight up the facts, and if possible, print her story about the claimed experiences, visions and apparitions she was having. (This was at a time before Mrs. Gallagher knew anything about setting up a House of Prayer, a time when she was single-handedly trying to disseminate the messages she had been receiving and had them printed on a small four page leaflet for distribution..

After managing to locate Mrs. Gallagher's phone number, and speaking to her to explain what he'd like to do, she at first declined, but then agreed to be give whatever interview was needed.

The two-hours discussion with Christina Gallagher at her home in Co. Mayo in 1991 was the basis for the first two articles to appear in "Ireland's Eye" about the apparitions and messages she had received, and a synopsis of her life story. What was then intended to be a few articles had to be continued, such was the sudden public interest. By January, 1992, the demand for back monthly issues of the magazine, and ongoing interest, led to the production by the writer of the first book, "Please Come Back to Me and My Son - Our Lady's Appeal through Christina Gallagher to the people of Ireland and all humanity" published in Ireland in March, 1992. It has since gone through many editions, and turned up on every continent on earth.

The Mullingar-based journalist had been writing periodically about Marian matters for a decade or so before this, and since the 1960s, had collected material related to some of the best known places of apparition of Our Lady, like Guadalupe, Rue de Bac, La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Knock, Akita, Garabandal, Medjugorje, in Italy, Venezuela, Egypt, etc. He was also very much aware of Our Lady's ongoing key role in the salvation history of mankind.

He was strongly influenced in a Marian direction through his family and also from being an active member of the Legion of Mary for years prior to his marriage in 1967. (He met his future wife while involved in overseas summer Legion work in the mid 1960s in Scotland, where she was also an active Legion member).

With this strong Marian interest, he had never hidden his personal belief in the reality of apparitions of Our Lady and her ongoing interventions in human history. Nor in the concerns Our Lady had been expressing about the rejection by many people of how Jesus' love and His death on the cross, had re-opened Heaven to humankind, and her warnings about the deteriorating situation even within the Church which her Son had founded, and of a world chastisement, if people did not turn back to God.

Also at this time, the writer was already heavily involved in efforts by Catholic and Christian activists in Ireland to stem the rapidly rising tide of secularism and disbelief, as many influential Irish people cast aside Christian values and embraced secular humanism as their new social standard.

Over the past three decades then, the writer and his wife found themselves, year after year, in close touch with Christina Gallagher and her spiritual director Fr Gerard McGinnity. As a journalist, he needed to keep in touch with the visionary and her spiritual director, in order to bring "Ireland's Eye" readers the most up to date information in the monthly magazine articles.

Someone who has always tried to print what he considered to be the truth, whether on matters secular or religious, he (and his wife) made no secret of their belief that Christina Gallagher was an authentic visionary, and their view was that what she was receiving came from God, and that the proof lay in the many 'signs already given, even by the early 1990s. Nothing they've heard, seen or experienced since then has changed that opinion, and everything they has transpired since then has only strengthened their conviction and belief that Christina Gallagher is a modern-day prophet and victim soul, who has endured all sorts of sufferings and rejection in always trying to do God's bidding, and at the same time, doing nothing contrary to Catholic teaching. They believe in the authenticity of the messages she has received from heaven, and all that Christina Gallagher has sought to do. And they believe that anyone with an open mind will be able to see the evidence to prove the reality of it all, if they have an open mind.

As he wrote on the back cover of the first book about the Irish visionary: "The honesty, sincerity, openness, general demeanour and spirituality of the Co.Mayo housewife, add considerably to credibility of the messages she seeks to propagate."
"The visionary had little inkling back then, in 1991, of the enormity of what she was taking on, or what her decisions to act as a 'messenger' for Our Lady to the people of Ireland and the world, but she did within half a dozen years,"" the writer said this week. A great deal has been achieved, but setbacks and problems at every turn with the House of Prayer project, along with constant personal attacks and denigration, and serious health setbacks - that was her lot. Yet her work for God continued despite what often seemed impossible odds.
"I've never met anyone else who endured so much for God, despite so many obstacles, and 'knocking' by people who didn't want to believe. Yet she kept on, and the honesty, sincerity, directness and spirituality, with such marvellous backing from a spiritual director like none other, left her, as far as I was concerned, a shining beacon of light and truth in rapidly gathering darkness.""
"Please Come Back to Me and My Son" was only a modest effort to make better known to a wider audience the facts, up till then, about Christina Gallagher, and I sought to allow her to use, as far as possible, her own words and to express her personal convictions on all she had experienced.
"The letters reprinted in the book - the early correspondence with her spiritual director before she ever met him personally - I found particularly revealing and a clear indication in themselves of her full belief in all she was experiencing at the time,"" the writer explains.

Over the twenty eight years since then, Dick Hogan has written upwards of three hundred and fifty monthly "Ireland's Eye" articles detailing current happenings involving the visionary and the many subsequent messages and experiences.

He is the only journalist afforded the opportunity to gain so much first-hand knowledge of all that has occurred since 1988 and to place this material on public record, year after year.

The monthly articles have included accounts of healings of all kinds, not just in Ireland, but much further afield, involving all kinds of serious human ailments including some people suffering from incurable cancers and expected to die; individuals and families returning to Catholic belief and practice after decades away from God and the sacraments; people who miraculously escaped death or serious injury; accounts of what Our Lady intended Mrs. Gallagher's role to be, in helping the Catholic priesthood to recover from the crisis of faith affecting so many of them and how she was at all times - as one renowned priest put it - a "beacon of light and orthodoxy."
Basing his views on all he has witnessed, heard and seen at first hand, the writer views Christina Gallagher as a particularly important prophetic figure in these apocalyptic times, not just for Irish people, but for the entire world, and for the Church. He also considers her the most maligned and misrepresented person he has ever known in more than six decades of journalism - a straightforward, sincere woman under major personal attack, almost entirely because of her beliefs, and from the first time she experienced a Marian apparition, in early 1988.

From the year 2006 onwards, Dick Hogan and his wife Margaret were caught up personally in the huge media onslaught against the visionary and her spiritual director. As a journalist, he has never seen, even in the secular world, such a highly orchestrated and organised effort as that aimed at totally destroying Christina Gallagher, her spiritual director, and the mission for souls she was involved in. The newspaper onslaughts often spread over three or more of the Sunday tabloid pages.
"Unbelievable and unprecedented by any standard in the world of journalism" is how he describes the constant repetition, more than a dozen times, of one totally biassed television programme misrepresenting her and her spiritual adviser, with the timing mostly arranged to coincide with each further Sunday newspaper attack on Mrs. Gallagher. These involved the total demolition of her good name and reputation, and that of Fr. McGinnity, her spiritual director - and anyone else associated with her. But the attacks went even further, amounting to incitement to hatred of a kind capable of endangering her very life. And caused some to attempt to act upon the incitement.

The writer and his wife, who have led the choir at Achill House of Prayer since it began, are still very much involved. And their fully supportive opinions about Christina Gallagher's role as a key visionary of this era, and of her spiritual director, Fr McGinnity are unchanged. They describe Fr McGinnity as the finest and most talented, dedicated and holy priests they've ever been fortunate enough to meet. A man highly informed on every aspect of private revelation, and a priest able to teach the basic Catholic tenets in a clear and most effective manner, despite having been scandalously mistreated for more than three and a half decades. This happened initially because in Maynooth, he attempted to stand up for Catholic standards in priestly formation and for truth and was "punished" for doing so. And later, it continued because he was acting as spiritual adviser to an Irish woman who heavenly messages were not considered acceptable; a woman with a simple but very strong faith, whom he believed from the evidence he had, to be receiving authentic 'messages from heaven, aimed at leading people back to God while there was still time to do so, before mankind was forced to undergo a severe chastisement.
It wasn't a new message, it was similar in ways to similar interventions elsewhere on earth, but in Ireland, it was unwelcome, it seemed.

In the weeks and months ahead, Dick Hogan wants to explain why he and his wife believe in the urgency of all that Christina Gallagher has received, and why people need to look closely at the messages , in the light of present day realities, and realise exactly what her years of suffering over many years imply. Having heard the ongoing heavenly warnings for three decades, and seen the “signs” they believe the proof is self-evident and that everything Mrs. Gallagher has been given in prophetic messages over so many years is proof in itself. They wonder also, why so many of those who have also seen the same 'proof' over the that period, and backed away when the serious media attacks began, have not by now found their way back.
The writer believes the times of God's Justice have already commenced, and the "labour pains" have begun, and that those with an open mind, if they read the messages given to Christina Gallagher, will realise this. The current world pandemic [ crisis is but the latest example, one predicted in key detail years ago by Our Lady.
"The people of Ireland and of the world are going to discover, more quickly than most realise, that what Mrs. Gallagher has received and tried to make known, is being verified almost on a weekly basis, and all the happenings even in the past twelve months, should not be ignored even if some continue to reject them," Dick Hogan said this week.
He concluded: "If we still live in a democracy, how can we pretend that black is white and white is black? And when you're a Catholic believer, and have closely watched a situation for thirty years and seen and witnessed events and heard personal testimonies that you can't explain in any way other than to describe them as inexplicable and miraculous, what else can we do? How can someone deny facts, or stay silent, simply to suit the general disbelief in God and all He stands for, even if we live in very strange times, when telling the truth is seen as unwise and likely to cause you problems and condemnation?"
He explained further: "Christina Gallagher was told by Jesus in a message in October, 2013 in a message for the world, that He desired "My people in....the world to listen and hear the truth." And added: "I, the Lord who loves you and gave My life for you, desire that you receive My love and mercy before it is too late. The word 'late' means 'now' The Lord your God says to you the word is 'NOW'. Listen and hear. Respond."
"Those clear words, and similar ones from Our Lady and Jesus in more recent times, have prompted the title of this article.
"As far as we're concerned, the Christina Gallagher story is one that needs to be told".
"There's overwhelming evidence from many sources, to indicate that events on our very doorsteps now will radically alter - in ways presently unimaginable to us - the history of mankind. Laugh if you wish, and dismiss such claims, but that's for you to decide.
"This writer's responsibility ends when he has conveyed what he believes, on the basis of all he has seen and heard since first meeting Christina Gallagher, and all that's been happening since then, in Ireland and across the globe, even up to recent months"
"I believe Christina Gallagher's work is and has always been directed towards helping souls to gain eternal salvation, and the saving of as many as possible in times of unprecedented confusion and apostasy. What do you believe? Is it make up your mind time?"



Jesus spoke to Christina on April 26, 2020;
Man of Sorrow, I call upon you to listen and hear what I reveal to you through My messenger. You are only at the beginning of the battle of the antichrist. The antichrist is on the earth and has many in his army at work for him. Your world will be plunged into the wrath of the Justice of My Father. You have rejected My Word and My Mercy all these years. My people, your heart and lips were full of mockery. Soon you will enter a time of suppression. You will be suppressed and filled with fear. I have called you many times but you would not listen because your hearts were full of hatred and your mouths full of filth that spewed nothing but mockery for My message and My messenger. There will be eternal death for many such people whose only desire was to live in sin. There will be many sufferings that will befall your world through sin. The man of perdition, the antichrist and the many in his army are uniting with you through your acceptance of all that is anti of My Life: murder is in the hearts of many - abortion, euthanasia and killing the handicapped - all that is opposed to My commandments. I desire that you read and live the Ten Commandments of your God.

The battle of the antichrist will continue with many illnesses and hunger which will befall the world but it is he who is antichrist in union with sin that will make it possible to bring this about.

What is taking place now (part of the third secret of Fatima which was never made public) is the Abomination - through the world leaders leading My people of the redeemed into a suppression of darkness and fear. Life will be lost but in many cases it is happening through the permittance of the dictatorship. You are surrounded by darkness and a suppression that is not of Me. How it grieves My Sacred Heart to witness how those of My shepherds who should uphold Truth and lead My flock, have scattered, many of them uniting with him who is not of Truth. I say to you, "O shepherds, who have permitted this, woe unto you when you come before Me. You have gone down the road of darkness and merryed your ways to hell.

My Church - its doors are now closed without need, while the raising up of antichrist is taking place, setting him in his true anchorage, in domination of the whole world. Black Masses, uniting more deeply with antichrist, are multiplying at this time for his enthronement.

My dear people, I have called you 'man of sorrow' for now you await the mark of the beast which will separate you from life in Me. The mark of the beast is ready and many will run to receive it. There will be a facility called 5G which will activate the mark of the beast for control, even unto death for many. Those who receive the mark of the beast , their life in union with Me will end for them, for they are in union with him who is antichrist and their only life will be with him. But for those who turn to Life and Truth and live it, let My commandments be in your heart and life and in that way you will remain in My Life. How My mercy flows and there are none to desire it. You have permitted yourselves to be thrown in the pit. Even in this late hour if you could only open your heart and your eyes and receive My mercy and wisdom, I could help you. Turn to Me, My people, for there is no reason that you cannot receive Me in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Ask Me for help and I will help you. The world's powers in evil are united for your destruction, suppression and control. I as your Lord God will permit this to take place until you decide you desire Life or death. I am aware there will be but a remnant that will remain faithful and then I will send forth at the appointed Hour of My Father the chastisement unto the world that will purify it of the dense darkness and evil and those who have united with it. My Father will permit fire to fall from the sky and many will be annihilated - antichrist and all who have given themselves to him and there will come a time of peace where there will be no tears but peace in union with your God. Do not be afraid - you and those united with you. I will be among you.

Fear not, for I am with you and I will inspire you to be in a place of safety in the coming Hour that is close at hand. I, Jesus bless you in union with My Father through the Holy Spirit.


Spiritual Director of Christina Gallagher

I feel a strong and urgent duty to confront the continuing appearance of certain poisonous remarks and slanderous gossip in online blogs and posts designed to discredit Christina and undermine the mission entrusted to her by Heaven.

The first of these is a remark that “Christina is not obedient to the Church”.
As her Spiritual Director for over 30 years I can categorically state that Christina has always obeyed and complied with any directives received from diocesan authority and has always urged loyalty to the Church and prayer for the clergy. This is most clearly demonstrated through the leadership given by Christina during the painful events of 1998. Archbishop Joseph Cassidy, who had opened and dedicated the House of Prayer in 1993 in response to Our Lady’s request through Christina, had retired due to ill-health in mid-1994.The new archbishop, Michael Neary, later proposed making the House a ‘Private Association of the Faithful’. Christina had no objection to such a move -she would have welcomed it- provided it respected and facilitated the work for souls to which Heaven was giving such fruitfulness since the House first opened. However, the new structure would eliminate the public and provide only for a few named individuals to remain there in prayer in an enclosed situation. She even told the archbishop he could take over the House if only he would allow the people to come.When she came to realise that the structure being offered would not permit this, she knew it would not enable the fulfilment of Heaven’s purpose, so she told the archbishop she would prefer to close the House until such time as Heaven would raise it up. When this was done, however, the people who had witnessed so many extraordinary healings since the House of Prayer had first opened and who had contributed to put it in place, complained to Christina for depriving them of the opportunity to bring their sick to be prayed with as before. Since Christina had never at any time wished to be in disobedience to the archbishop, she immediately contacted his office to say that the people were begging her to open the House and pray with them and with the sick whom they desired to bring there. The archbishop’s secretary told Christina that, by virtue of her baptism, she was perfectly entitled to do so and that she did not require permission to pray with others in this way. At the same time, Christina was sadly aware that the House would lose the privilege of the sacraments which had been gifted to it by the previous archbishop when he had dedicated it. Though the withdrawal of the sacraments grieved her, Christina obeyed and asked the people to obey the archbishop’s instructions. And the archbishop’s instructions have always been implemented at Our Lady’s House. But to this day we have no idea why the sacraments were taken away. Despite the declaration in a statement of archbishop Neary that there was " no lack of orthodoxy on Christina’s part or on the part of her collaborators", media elements with no interest in facts or in truth, drew wrong conclusions and set out on a frenzy of attack. The door was also, unfortunately, left open to such attacks through the failure to acknowledge the compelling evidence of the supernatural at work in the huge number of healings and remarkable conversions. A full account of the most outstanding healings together with medical consultants’ verification that no human, scientific, medical or psychological evidence could explain, were submitted to the local archbishop but never acknowledged or investigated. Highly placed prelates aware of the healings and indeed the particular cardinal who handed them to the archbishop have privately observed that these are of such a calibre as fulfil the Church’s requirement even for use in a canonisation. God cannot work such miracles as restoring life to a clinically dead baby in the womb, a person dying of pancreatic cancer with only days to live, thirteen different forms of cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, blindness, instantaneous clearance of completely blocked carotid arteries, instantaneous healing of severe drug addiction with no withdrawal symptoms (to mention only some of over 700 testimonies) unless the work is good, for Jesus declares in the Gospel, “A bad tree cannot produce good fruit… By their fruits you shall know them”. (Matt. 7:19,20)

The second slander implies financial impropriety.
The frenzy of attack upon Christina spiralled out of control when it reached a level of endangerment to her life. The attack tried to make her a hate-figure by destroying her good name and publishing utter falsehoods about her. In an effort to mislead the public about her, one tabloid described her as “the owner of a portfolio of houses in Ireland and the US”! Of course, this is entirely false. It is not, and never was, true. The House of Prayer in Ireland and the Chain Houses abroad were put in place by the people. The people chose to do so voluntarily when they responded to the desire of Our Lady for such Houses of Prayer. Christina does not benefit from any House of Prayer nor does any other person. She was even driven from her own home like a fugitive on being warned that a wealthy American who had persecuted Medjugorje, was on his way with an English film crew to Ireland in order to destroy Christina Gallagher and the House of Prayer. Having broken into her back garden and videoed her home, the intruder proceeded to do likewise at The House of Prayer and when confronted by a Garda officer after his illegal intrusion and challenged to hand over the film he was making, he deceived the Guard and fled the country. The threat of his sinister intent terrorised both Christina and the staff at Our Lady’s House. As a result her own home was no longer safe and she had no option but to seek some safer place to live. Yet the pattern of stalking her and hunting her down which began then, showed no let up. In fact, as time went on the injustice and cruelty of the perpetrators took even more devious turns. For example, it was actually when struggling to sell one house in order to buy a more hidden and safer one -as the security of each successive place was destroyed by the media- that Christina was wrongly and cynically accused of owning "a portfolio of houses”! Because of the media misrepresentations a few people who had donated to help protect Christina were influenced by the media misinformation to request a return of their donations, which were returned to them but it is clear this happened only because of the misleading interference of the media. These situations were in turn seized upon by the media to bring about a Revenue investigation of the House of Prayer and of Christina as well as every member of the House of Prayer- all due solely to the lies which appeared in the newspapers. Of course, no irregularity was found, because there was nothing to find. Christina had never done anything wrong. The Gardai likewise found that there was nothing which merited any prosecution against the House of Prayer. Predictably, however, but sadly the tabloid attackers did not publish these truths!

False accusations.
It is acknowledged by spiritual biographers that works used to draw back souls in the greatest danger are sometimes allowed by God to become victims of the most vile calumnies or lies. For example, St. John Vianney was persecuted by slander and false accusations, including venomous letters sent to his bishop. He remarked before he died that if he had known when he was coming to the parish of Ars the extent of humiliation and lies that would be inflicted on him, he would have dropped dead on the spot! Nor do many people realise the degree of persecution endured, for example, by Padre Pio from his own religious superiors. When he refused, at a time when the Capuchin Order faced financial disaster, to hand over to his superiors money donated to him for a hospital, accusations against him were invented in an effort to destroy him. He was labelled a hypocrite and an exhibitionist and his spiritual gifts were denounced as fraudulent and deceptive. Cardinal Siri, at the time said, “The ones who should have recognised Jesus crucified Him, and in the same way Padre Pio in his lifetime was treated by his own as an outcast, isolated and stripped."

It is well known in the history of genuine apparitions that every authentic intervention of God is attacked by evil. The more powerful the work of God, the more fiercely it is attacked. In that case, the work entrusted to Christina Gallagher must be extremely powerful for souls- if the horrendous and relentless fury and hatred against her are anything to go by! Persecution, slander, intimidation, incitement to hatred and life threats are among the many forms of attack used against her and the work of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Jesus Himself, of course, predicted this in the Gospel -indicating clearly that it would be a sure sign of authenticity, when He said to His followers, “You will be hated by all on account of My Name. (Matt. 10:16,22), “Happy are you when people hate you, drive you out, abuse you, denounce you…on account of the Son of Man…This was the way their ancestors treated the prophets.” (Lk. 6.22) and “If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you too”. (John 15:20) The people who come constantly to the House of Prayer are fully aware -as are we- of the damaging source of the attacks … a group of 2 or 3, some of whom are disbelievers even in the Catholic faith itself and who, from the beginning, sought, from motives of envy, to destroy the Mission. Facelessly they continue and try to keep alive their attack. It is beyond time that they made reparation for the heart-rending distress and torment which I have witnessed, at first hand, Christina endure through their perverse cruelty. They will come before the Lord to answer for the harm done to her reputation and the mission of God entrusted to her and for the loss of souls whom they have prevented from hearing the call to conversion, even as everything foretold is now being fulfilled. Someone, unable to deny the reality of the great healings granted by God when Christina has prayed and offered her sufferings, went so far as to remark, “Could this be from the devil?” But then, wasn't Jesus Himself similarly slandered, “It is through the prince of demons that He casts out devils!” To which He so wisely responded, “No house, divided against itself, can stand”. (Matt.12:25). It is simply an impossibility.


Those who wish are invited to join Christina and Father McGinnity in prayer from their home - as Our Lady's army - in storming Heaven for Mercy and Protection in 3 Hours of Prayer from 12 noon until 3 pm. daily -the hours of Our Divine Lord's victory upon the cross.

Beginning at noon with the Most Holy Rosary and continuing with successive Rosaries we will beg Our Blessed Mother's intercession for our protection and conclude with the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm.

Those who wish to fast on bread and tea one day a week should feel free to unite with us in doing so.

URGENT - A call to 'prayer like never before'.

Christina states,
At this critical moment when Ireland and the entire world are confronted by the coronavirus, I am surprised not to have heard from every Church leader an appeal calling people in their homes to storm Heaven with prayer for the mercy of God to protect us because this virus is a war against life. Seeing it for what it is - a weaponised disease of biological warfare..not only targeting the elderly but, according to certain experts, also causing permanent damage to the lungs of the younger generation, surely no effort can be spared to implore Heaven to come to our rescue.

I believe now is the time we are called to carry out what Our Lady suggested to us, namely that those who already have in their homes Her 3-dimensional image as Queen of Peace, pray Her Rosary before it from their hearts every day and wear Her sacramentals, ie the Matrix Medal and Precious Petal.
It is already some years since Our Lady Herself begged humanity not only to pray but to "pray as never before" and now that the events which She clearly and repeatedly warned us about (over the past 30 years) are upon the world, are people going to wait until it is no longer possible to do even that?
In the present crisis when the world is in the grip of a deadly pandemic and totally bereft of any medical remedy, surely there should be a nationwide (indeed a worldwide) summons to all people- irrespective of their beliefs- to turn to Almighty God in their own homes and beg fervently for protection and deliverance even if it is clear that we are already in the very grip of this plague?

It is bewildering and frustrating to hear from politicians insistent calls to the public to wash their hands while, at the same time they permit people to come and go from the worst affected areas abroad without restriction and they refuse to cancel huge gatherings of people such as St. Patrick's Day parades and sporting fixtures which will propagate and embed this deadly virus more fully in communities nationwide. Is the economic concern more important than conserving and saving people's lives? A medical professor in Texas, speaking recently on PRIME TIME observed that Ireland had a unique capability, being an island, to ensure the virus would be kept out of the country but had failed.

Or is it deliberately permitted by certain world powers to allow a Stockmarket and banking collapse with a view to imposing more easily 'the chip' so as to usher in a total control of people? One wonders...

Christina Gallagher.
Fr. Gerard McGinnity,
Spiritual Director.


Message of Jesus to Christina on February 2, 2020 during flight to New York. Jesus said,
"The Holy Angels of Heaven rejoice with you that the ones I have chosen have responded to My Will. (Jesus then gave a private message.)

O people of the Americas and of the world, prepare yourselves for what you have drawn down upon yourselves. You have not only denied Me but you have elevated him who is evil in all his works. O people of sorrow, your sorrow will be great! Why have you surrendered to all that is not of Me, in the deepest, darkest way that pierces My Heart the most?

O little ones, in your unity of prayer you say your prayer is great and you say you fast. Yes, I receive the fast of many, yet there are many who do not fulfil what they say. Empty words are all that they say. I ask you to hasten your work so that it can be raised up before Me and in that way I can extend My Mercy and I can respond to the desire of your heart for good.

Woe to the man that desires to mock Me, his Saviour and turn to the man of woe who only bears evil and you permit yourself to unite with such! What do you learn from My Mercy when all that you seek is the fruits of the world in deepest darkness? Look at your world in its depraved state. I want you to take to heart why it is time for My Justice. My Justice will extend throughout the whole world because it is a purification of the evil and darkness that you have embraced and sought to benefit you. It is because of this destructive course you are following that you leave Me no choice but to destroy all the evil that is polluting your heart, all the evil you have submitted to and allowed to plunder your heart.

All the abnormal happenings that you see taking place throughout the world is little in comparison with all My Justice which is to befall the world.

The plundering of the innocents in abortion has left the hearts that seek such, nothing less than an open door to the seduction of satan for the destruction of what is a gift from Me.

Woe to you, lifeless man, repent, repent! For I will soon be upon you when darkness will descend upon your world in a way that scientists cannot explain for it will be I, who created and redeemed you - for My Father and I are one and My Holy Spirit in union with My Father will bring justice upon all.

My Church that proclaimed Truth now fails to do so... Truth is dissected to a non-existence and I say to those who bear Truth, 'Fear not. Stand up for My Word. Otherwise you deny Me and I will deny you before My Father'

My dear messenger, I experience the reluctance of your heart through your endurance and that of my brother Gerard. You weaken through the depths of the darkness that surrounds you but fear not; I am with you. In the darkest hour I am your Light. How you have pleased Me in the depths of the struggles you have endured. This mission has been difficult but only by being difficult can it permit Me to draw Life to many. I am with you in a special way through My union with the Father in the Holy Spirit. You are constantly overshadowed by My Mother's mantle. You do not understand in your little lives the greatness of what you have permitted Me to do. I implore both of you to fear less what the world and its inhabitants can do to you but pray much for those who are in darkness and do not understand.

How blest are those in New York who have an opportunity to make a place of reparation to appease My Father, for those of you of open heart I invite to come and lay there all your life’s concerns, for there you will be able to draw from the outpouring Mercy that flows from My Sacred Heart. My Mother envelops all those who come there - who come to receive Truth not fantasy but to receive Truth and live it, for only in Me can Mercy flow.

Do not be disturbed by the annoyance of your suitcase being stopped at the airport on your journey to establish the House of Prayer I desire for New York. That is not brought about by My Will. Rejoice, rejoice!. I bless you. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The awful things now happening such as wildfires, flooding, storms, illness and all present disasters are nothing to what is to come. I tell you, My people, prepare yourselves. I give you the choice because I love you."


The rapid spread of the deadly CORONAVIRUS from China and the terrifying devastation by swarms of LOCUSTS across East Africa are alerting many people to yet more of the messages given years ago by Jesus and Our Blessed Mother to Christina Gallagher for the world.

In the message of July 16, 2002 (see The Cross Uncovered p.260) Our Blessed Lady warned, "Diseases will fall upon many; plagues will devour many."

Again, on January 26, 2013 (see The Cross Uncovered p.343) Jesus said, “The world will endure many diseases and plagues- diseases that will be man-made.” As far back as February 22, 2005 (see The Cross Uncovered p.278) Our Lady made Christina aware that “there will be an epidemic throughout the world with a germ which is bred through AIDS. Many innocent people will catch it and die. There will be a virus-type plague which will kill many people through- out the world.”

From the first moment the Coronavirus was announced, Christina was aware that this is the virus Our Lady spoke of. Medical scientists and analysts have now discovered a link between The Coronavirus and Aids.

In His message given in October 2012 (see The Cross Uncovered p.333) Jesus said, “My people, hear and respond as I have called you, for even worse turmoil is on its way. The locusts will come and devour you while you are spiritually asleep.”

On March 29, 2009 (see The Cross Uncovered p.309) Our Blessed Lady had said, “Locusts such as have never been seen before will form a plague; it will seem as if they themselves have an evil intent, almost as if they have an awareness that they are to wreak destruction…"

Nearly ten million people in the affected region of East Africa already face dire food shortages owing to floods and drought. A humanitarian crisis now looms there in the face of unprecedented numbers of voracious locusts. Not only have the countries of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya been infested but South Sudan and Uganda are facing similar invasion.

-------------------------- 13th February 2020 -------------------

Message from Jesus to Christina - October 1, 2019
Jesus said,
"I want to relate to My people of New York that they have no idea of the dense darkness of sin that surrounds them and through it the danger that will fall on the island of New York.
I desire to protect you but you fail to hear My words.
There are hearts that are open to put in place the request for a House of Prayer of Reparation. The meaning of the House of Prayer of Reparation is for you to make atonements to My Father through Me.
My people, why are you always finding fault with the little ones I choose in the Little Way guided in My Sacred Heart?
I will not call you forth to fulfil this request again but if you fail be prepared for the wrath of My Hand to crush the most revolting depths of the workings of satan in your island.
You have only yourselves to blame.
Listen to My little one and My dear brother Gerard who has observed My little one throughout all those years in both her endurance and in his own. They are faithful to the mission to help you but rather than their finding ears and hearts open to listen, they hear criticism.
Woe to you who live in the seduction of sin for New York is like the pit of hell served and serviced by its people to do the will of satan. Woe to you who are so foolish. Repent now while you have time.
Fulfill My call.
Pray for President Trump for his service to Me for his people is good but the man of perdition wants to portray him as a man of stupidity and darkness. I tell you, read the signs of your times. He upholds openly My commandments at a time when My Church is plundered.
I bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


My little one, in your island of Ireland how they test My Hand. They are so full of greed and completely blind to the Word of God. I call them but My words fall on desolate soil. They are asleep.
My poor little one, how hard you both have tried to awaken them with the truth of what I have revealed to you. My people, why do you still seek what is not fruitful and test the little ones of Truth that have been upheld by the miraculous events that can only come from My Sacred Heart?
How foolish you people of the island of Ireland have become! You want witness for everything from those who do not serve Me... your heart is more with them than with Me and with Truth.
Your island will be stripped, drawing it back to the desolation it endured at the time of Knock with cries of hunger-pangs that will draw it back to Me.
Why, O why, you faithless people, have you drawn this upon yourselves?
You have become godless and shameless before Me.
Reparation must be, for Me to offer to My Father by the woundedness that comes through in the union of My Mystical Body. O you priests that unite in My Priesthood, turn away from darkness! Be ashamed of its fumes and unite with Me who is Truth and Life, otherwise you will be caught in the snarling call of the antiChrist. I desire My Life to live in all souls and My redemptive love to be life for all. Do not reject Me - unite in Life and Light and be witnesses to the Truth. I bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

October 4, 2019
At the end of Holy Mass, Jesus appeared and spoke to Christina;
"...There is so much destruction to befall the world and the man of evil will multiply to devour the man of righteousness. Priests, how you shame Me and how fast you run to embrace all that is not of Me!
You permit all to be plundered.
You have no courage and no conviction because you did not believe in Truth and now you have no courage to live Truth in My Priesthood.
I will say to them 'How you failed to feed My lambs and called them to wander into the darkness to be devoured'.
The antiChrist is very active fumigating the earth, driving it into darkness, into the seduction of satan.

The blood of martyrs is liquefying as they look on and see that the world has turned light into darkness but I am, and will be Light forever."
(As Jeus spoke these words, Christina was shown a redness of color become clear, liquid,, fresh blood.)

"The great loss will be souls and that grieves My Heart.
A great multitude of souls will be lost for they do not know Truth.
The martyrs cry out to Me to bring forth the day of purification.
The time of My coming will find but few with Life of Me in them. How the clouds will become darkened for the eyes of humanity to see but it will be too late for many. Woe to those who have allowed the density of darkness to reach heaven.

I bless you..."

Message received by Christina for 16 and 25 July 2019

Jesus spoke to Christina;
"Christina, My little one, I desire that you write and relate what I tell you to the people of the world.

People of the world, I have called you to protection and guidance in Truth and Mercy for many years. I called you through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother also and She has pleaded with Me for Mercy for you, but to no avail.
You are being seduced by the devil and throughout the world he is hailed high, raising all of his evil desires into your hearts.
My Mercy is coming to a close as you no longer ask for or want My Mercy. My Hand descends upon the world of sin and darkness through evil being fulfilled in so many hearts: you reject Truth and Life, love does not exist in your hearts, your hearts are closed to Truth and Life in Me, your Lord God.
What you experience regarding the weather changes is not climate change and scientists will explain away much as My Hand descends upon your world. So many have become the godless man and unto him will be given his just reward.

My Church has all but abandoned Me, My sacraments are withdrawn more and more, truth is denied to My people but woe to the man who has done such wrongs - better he was never born.

For those of you who have come here today out of curiosity, you will not be aware of the enormity of evil that surrounds you, waiting to seduce you at every moment. The only way you will have wisdom to understand is to pray, receive the sacraments, unburden yourself of sin and ask forgiveness from Me. Desire to be covered by My Light and filled with My Life. Live in and by Truth. Only in that way can you be protected. Cast fear from you.

How so many of you have cast such sufferings upon My little one! You have believed the deceiver in his lies about her and from one to another you kept finding a greater deception to draw upon her. But to you I say how wicked you have become! You could only receive such wickedness from the devil and it is to him you surrender your life. I tell you, wake up because your earthly life has but limited time for you to make amends to Me.
My people, pray for wisdom because you do not understand Truth. You have been led away from Truth by many of those who are meant to preach it.
Trust in Me. You will see many dangers and horrible disasters come to your world - all of which you have drawn upon yourselves through sin as My Hand approaches the earth.
Turn away from sin. Live the Ten Commandments of your God and Saviour."

After a brief pause, Jesus added,
"How My Heart sorrows for the many in the world who lack Truth in their hearts. How My Heart grieves to see the innocence of My little children being destroyed and the young being deceived through false teaching about their identity and sexuality. How My Heart is pierced at the spread of abortion, the devil's weapon against life. How My Mother's words to you are daily being fulfilled as so many youth, through lack of prayer and loss of faith wander in confusion, are destroyed by drugs and succumb to suicide.

How your leaders allow greater powers to dictate to them, to take over and lead your countries but only to destroy them. There is corruption everywhere, the world is led by and through corruption. The world is now entering the peak, the cusp of its own corruption.

Later Jesus spoke to Christina as follows;
"My little one, I desire you listen to what I tell you. There is much change coming to your world. It is about to experience the depth of its sin and drink of its wounds brought about by sin. The world has disowned Me, its Creator and Redeemer. How I have called and pleaded with you to listen and turn away from sin. There are many leaders of the world who exercise their power according to him who is darkness and they are drawing destruction upon the world while the people of the world remain blind to this and doubt the truth that I call you to. My people, how can you be so foolish? I call you to see and recognise the depth of sin the world has drawn down upon itself. The elements reject the depths of this darkness. The earth vomits from its bowels as it rebukes humanity’s sin and depraved behaviour and to hear man of perdition say, 'God would not do this to us!'. No, you do it by your own destructive deeds. Hatred is in every heart, jealousy grows, greed knows no bounds as the flesh craves for more of its fulfilment, not of Life, Light or Truth but rather of the flesh- from the world's fruits. The destructive angels of darkness are everywhere. I look upon the Immaculate Heart of My Mother as She pleads for you, for mercy but the time of mercy is drawing to a close. It seems you no longer need mercy.

The continent of America will have much to endure for its denial of Me. War is fast approaching its shores.
(As Jesus subsequently showed Christina what is coming to America, He added "War that is nuclear, diseases, earthquakes…and also to other parts of the world")

O you foolish man! So many godless and full of pride. Soon I will shepherd My flock Myself!
He who has drawn souls away from My Mother’s House, him I will disown for his pride and deception have led him far from Me. To him, as he has drawn many from Me in the weakness of his flesh and filled with pride, I say ‘Woe unto you. You are like the one who returned without any talents'.
My little one, how you have borne the scars of the deception that travelled throughout the world but the lies and deception spread about you is like a sweet incense before Me.
Be not afraid of those who seem great in the world. Your surrender to Me -its greatness will last forever.

I bless you in My Father, I Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit.

Message received by Christina on April 25, 2019
"My daughter, I call you to write. I call you through Jesus My Son for We are one. I have called you, My daughter, My little one. You are chosen to be the messenger of truth. I desire you relay truth to My people throughout the world. Many bear not truth but lies and deception that fill many hearts. In that way they permit truth in them to be destroyed. Give this message to all My people of truth who bear life in Jesus My Son.

My people, hear now, I call you. I am He who is and will be forever. Hear Me, your Lord God. The deceiver is robbing many souls and seducing them into the cesspool of death. My shepherds - how they grieve Me! They have allowed the flock to be scattered and so many of them have become lost in the darkness of him who desires their souls. Woe unto the man who opens his life to become one in darkness.

Remember the parable Jesus tells about the talents.*
I, your Lord God must prepare you who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Do not be still, let truth flow from you: Life in Jesus demands it of you. Time is becoming short before the world will witness a darkness and suppression from a power beyond the world, a power of antiChrist. He has deceived many people, soon he will deceive most people, even the elect. There is great unrest, unrest the world cannot see, Agreements have been made and papers signed for the final destruction of the world. The final battle of the deceiver draws close and so many people merry in sin of the darkest kind. There is no repentance because they have become one in and with death. To many there is no way to return. (Such souls are permanently lost because in their freedom they do not desire the Mercy of God).

My messenger of truth, I have drawn from you much. I have heard you cry out to Me. Be still as I bless you for all your endurance for the souls I thirst for - but in vain for many. Many have made their choice for death. So many will not serve truth or life but they embrace death through the seduction of the devil, the flesh and the world. Time draws close for the deceiver to wield his power over the world. So, so many will be caught in his power as way is made for antiChrist, yes anti of Me and of life. …....
(A most serious message regarding the Catholic Church was given here. It is on record and will be made available when appropriate.)

The deceiver wields only death. Look around you, see his power of falsity. It is everywhere, darkness and sin excused as righteous. The deceiver says, 'Partake. See, it's good!' Look around you. There you can see it.

My people, so few want to know Me. They welcome into their heart, life and soul - death. It is their free will. Speak of the man in the Gospel parable who has a need to go back and bury his dead because there are many turning to bury their already dead: mankind has become one in darkness and refuses to put their hand to the plough and to remain steadfast. They could receive wisdom from Me in goodness but in their free will they choose everything of the world and the flesh and refuse Life of Me through Jesus My Son.

My call has become a mockery. It is easy for the man of perdition to unite with the devil in lies to destroy and block truth. Such a man I do not know because he welcomes falsity but falsity will not save him as he nears Hades. There his suffering will start.

My people, open your hearts to truth as your time draws close to your choice of life or death.

There are plans in place for all I have given you.

The one-world government is with you, its dictatorship will lead only to your suppression, destruction and death eternal.

The one-world bank, can you not see its development to suppress your worldly goods, which will lead to hunger cries everywhere and result in diseases afflicting the bodies of all and the people with no wisdom where to turn. My messenger of truth, you will be one of a very small number who will have that knowledge - if they permit your life to continue.

And the one-world church will yield its freedom into the hands of him who will destroy through what will be the mark of the beast. How so many will run freely for it with hearts full of joy, in boastfulness. I tell you the time draws close to its fulfilment.

World war 3, it is in its readiness.

I bless you, my messenger of truth, through the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus in union in the Holy Ghost. Amen. Amen."

*The Parable of the Talents referred to by the Lord in His message:
"For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. But the one who had received the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money. After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. Then the one who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five more talents, saying, "Master, you handed over to me five talents; see, I have made five more talents." His master said to him, "Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master." And the one with the two talents also came forward, saying, "Master, you handed over to me two talents; see, I have made two more talents." His master said to him, "Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master." Then the one who had received the one talent also came forward, saying, "Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours." But his master replied, "You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter? Then you ought to have invested my money with bankers, and on my return I would have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents. For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they will have will be taken away. As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

(When asked how the parable of the talents relates to this message, Christina explained the understanding which was given to her, as follows. She said that God expects all those who have received His gifts of conversion and healing through this mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace to proclaim the truth of what was given them. In this way they do not hide the talents but use them to give glory to God and thus draw others to hear the truth of His call through Our Lady’s message. How many medically upheld miraculous healings as well as spiritual conversions have been hidden, unacknowledged or no longer proclaimed! Clearly, Our Lord will call each one to account.)

There is some confusion regarding the Cardinal Pell message. It has not been taken off the website, but has been moved to the right hand column below the Online Shop, making way for the latest news of Fr McGinnity's radio interview. Please follow the 'Read more...' link for the full message which is on the House of Prayer FaceBook page where it can be shared and spread to the world as is Our Lady's desire.

"Christina Gallagher: Prophet for our Time"
Another chance to listen to the interview of Fr Gerard McGinnity, Spiritual Director of Christina Gallagher, on March 14, 2019 by Dr. Hilaire Tavenner. Interview starts at 04.29 mins on the timeline.

Listen to "Dr. T PhD (18) Christina Gallagher: Prophet for our Time" on Spreaker.

It is perplexing, to say the least, and very disappointing that at the slightest mention by another visionary of 'a third world war', some who profess to have been following Heaven's Message to Christina become suddenly quite excited. This is perplexing for the reason that details of the third world war go back so far and have been referenced so frequently in Our Lady's messages to Christina. As early as 1993 (25 years ago now) Our Lady spoke to Christina about the third world war. Christina published this at the time in her autobiography. Our Lady explained to her that God did not desire a third world war but humanity is bringing it about and it would happen if people would not respond to the call of Heaven. It is clear throughout Her subsequent messages to Christina over all the ensuing years that people's failure to pray and respond was allowing the world to reach the brink of global warfare yet She continued to beg, through tears of blood, for Her children to open their hearts - for their own protection- but to no avail.

Our Lady made clear to Christina as far back as 1993, and as published in her autobiography, that if we hear of any kind of war breaking out which involves Russia and China and is precipitated by The United States then the most dire consequences await the world. Christina was made aware that if this occurred, America's part in it was leading the beginning of a process which others would take over and bring to further depths. Christina, from the knowledge of what has been revealed to her, is suffering greatly because people do not seem to grasp the reality and enormity of the horrors which the third world war will bring to the world. It will not involve only a few countries but all countries -it will truly be a world war.

In Her message of July 16, 2001, Our Lady returned to this theme, saying, "Short is your time before your world is drawn into conflict of war…the Third World War is in its permittance. How blood will flow and run red upon the earth. Hunger cries will be heard in the Heavens…" Again in Her message of February 21, 2003 Our Lady drew further attention to the same prophecy when She said, "…the world will witness wars leading to the great third world war; President Bush has opened the doors and they cannot be closed. My people forget that all they have is the Mercy of God and the call of their Mother…." Yet again, in a message on October 10, 2008 Our Lady remarked, "The third world war is imminent. Its destruction is unthinkable." Speaking to Christina in a message on July 29, 2010 Jesus Himself said, "…There will be war, and through the availability and use of nuclear power, the annihilation of many parts of the world and its inhabitants will be brought about….My daughter, I desire you make this known throughout the world. The world's powers are in the grasp of a great unrest and the preparation of war is now a reality, in union with the antiChrist. He is about to create a great abomination. The world as you know it will be changed and disfigured…" In His message of May10, 2015 Jesus yet again remarked, "…World War Three is already being prepared…" On separate occasions Jesus spoke in His messages of "uprisings and wars in many places, creating an unrest "which would lead to the third world war." Yet, this has already begun and we can witness it being fulfilled across the world! How blind so many are to the reality that surrounds us! It "is at our very doors" as another message puts it. So how can it be newsworthy for any person following the mission of Christina Gallagher to hear from some other visionary about the third world war? The messages received by Christina beginning as far back as 1993 regarding the closeness and the detailed nature of the third world war are, like every other prophecy she ever received, naturally being fulfilled. They are being fulfilled with the same certainty and reliability as all the other messages given her by Heaven. For example

Blinkered and Deaf?
If this came from a visionary in some other country it would be highlighted with excitement…Instead so many people appear to be blinkered and deaf. They find it easier to believe the deception that was published by the enemy to destroy Christina and Heaven's mission through her, than to see the Light of God and the work of His Hand in the miraculous healings, the abundance of good and the spiritual fruits which uphold the message.

A One-world Government
Do people realise that the one-world government is being put in place? President Donald Trump promised recently to "block the United Nations from forming a 'One-World Government'" while he was addressing the 72nd Assembly of the UN. He urged other nations to reject the push in the UN for a single globalist government. The fact that he can mention this UN plan proves that people must know it exists. Our Lady clearly told Christina almost 40 years ago that a one-world government would be put in place as part of the controls in the reign of anti-Christ. So this public disclosure about a one-world government push is another fulfilment of Our Lady's messages as given to Christina so many years ago.

A One-World Bank, One-World Currency and Cashless Society.
These prophecies given to Christina are already being upheld. The uniting of European currencies swiftly followed Our Lady's words to Christina and the one-world bank is already in place. The cashless society has been ushered in by use of the banker's card and now the card is being replaced by the imposition of a 'chip' in the body of all who take it. This chip is "the mark of the beast" as mentioned in Scripture. By taking it they hand over their body and soul to the control and disposal of the antiChrist and so are lost forever, as the Scripture makes clear.

A One-World Church
Various steps and efforts can already be seen on the world stage paving the way for a one-world church, and language is being used to draw about a one-world Church thereby fulfilling what Christina was also given and what she consistently made known in her books published over the past 30 years. She has always emphasised what she was given regarding such a so-called' church'- namely, "that it would not be of God"

IN ADDITION to the weather-change prophecies, several other striking world events given many years beforehand to Christina and announced and published by her have been exactly fulfilled, for example;

Earthquake in IRAN
As related in her autobiography, 'Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross' Page 11 she was shown an earthquake three weeks before it took place in Iran, killing 5,000 people. She told her spiritual director. When it occurred and was shown on television news, Our Lady explained to Christina Gallagher that she had “been shown the calamity before it took place, not to prevent it but to prepare the souls of the people for God.”

In early 1993, one year before the horrible war in Rwanda, Christina Gallagher received an apparition ('Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross', Page 11) in which she was asked by an African boy (unknown to her) named Emmanuel Segastashya, "Pray for me and my country, Burundi." - a country she had never heard of. It was only the following year when the slaughter of the war in Rwanda broke out and engulfed neighboring Burundi and among the countless victims of the massacres was Emmanuel - a visionary in Church - approved apparitions there - that the reason became clear to Christina.

On December 26, 1992 Christina Gallagher had an apparition of the war that broke out approximately two years later in Chechnya. She made known, as usual, in advance what was shown to her. ('Out of the Ecstasy and Onto the Cross', p.262).

While in New York to address a Rosary Rally at Battery Park on September 11, 1999 Christina Gallagher prophesied that the Twin Towers would be destroyed. She made the statement in the presence of a number of people including a US judge, a Canadian attorney, a radio broadcaster, and her spiritual director. One of these, Judge Dan Lynch, an American Judge, wrote an article on the matter and made it more widely public.

Tsunami in the INDIAN OCEAN
On a number of separate occasions, the first being eight years before the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster - the massive undersea earthquake which smashed into nine countries across Asia on December 26, 2004 killing approximately one quarter of a million people -Christina Gallagher was shown the exact tsunami scene taking place on a beautiful sandy beach with the wave washing in over houses and leaving corpses strewn on the beach as it swelled out again to sea. She did not have the word 'tsunami' as it was not in ordinary use then but she published what was shown her in her biography which appeared as far back as 1996.

Christina would lament and cry bitter tears on seeing these scenes in advance for she knew how Our Lady had been trying since the beginning of Her apparitions to warn the world on how to prevent such disasters. Her calls were widely ignored and even ridiculed. On CNN News and on RTE news bulletins in Ireland, December 29th and 30th scientists were quoted as saying, “All we can say is that the sea-bed shifted from its axis”. They were actually using the exact words of warning Our Blessed Mother had spoken to Christina Gallagher on July 16, 2002 (published then on the web-site) '...I tell you the world has been drawn short of its axis. It is clinging to the Hand of God to uphold it through Jesus...' Not only did the foretold happening occur but was even described afterwards by scientists in the very terms predicted by Our Lady.

Weather changes throughout THE WORLD
Long before weather patterns began to alter, Our Lady was warning us of what has now become widespread throughout the world. As far back as January 1, 1995 She declared,'...My daughter, the world is in its decline! World purification has begun. It will intensify more and more. The weather will be so changeable: heat to cold to ice: rainstorms like the world has not witnessed: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes even in unexpected countries: mudslides, disasters throughout the world will increase when the Hand of My Son covers the world...’ This message's widespread fulfillment is, of course, a matter of historical record.

Collapse of the STOCK MARKET
On January 23, 2006, Christina Gallagher was told by Our Blessed Mother that the works She had desired 'should be completed at once as there will be a collapse in the stock market'. This message, given to Christina by Our Blessed Mother at the height of the economic boom in 'celtic tiger' Ireland, as it was then called, seemed incredible even to some devotees of Our Lady's message! Ireland was the economic envy of the world because of the enormous strength of the national economy and its highest-ever living standards. We were being held up as the perfect example of material prosperity and for anyone to speak or even think of economic collapse seemed absurd and ridiculous. Yet, against all the odds and despite the complacency of experts the message of Our Lady to Christina Gallagher was, as always, once again resoundingly fulfilled.

The Weather-changes
While searing 47 degree temperatures, fires and power failures afflict Australia with unprecedented and unbearably sweltering heat, the US is gripped by a polar vortex, dealing death through record low Arctic temperatures in the minus 40's and bringing life to a standstill. Newspapers headline "Apocalyptic winter weather sweeps America" and people are warned not to breathe deeply or talk outside as it could be potentially fatal in its impact on the lungs. This immediately brings to mind and perfectly fulfils yet again Our Lady's message of July 2005 to Christina, "You will experience the climate changes more and more.The changes in the seasons' behaviour have already begun, but will increase and intensify…beyond normal capacity and many other abnormal and strange happenings."
In Australia, meanwhile, one blaze created a smoke cloud so large it began creating its own lightning "incredibly dangerous" and "impossible to fight!", meteorologists said. This literally fulfils the message given by Jesus to Christina in October 2012 when He said,
"Part of My Justice is upon you now…The earth's plasma is boiling up, beyond your understanding." (When we checked this word used by Jesus we found it means a gas in the atmosphere containing an electric charge!) Could anything be more perfectly fulfilled than that?

A Well-Known Prophecy
The well-known and detailed prophecy concerning the weather changes given as far back as March 25, 1995 to Christina Gallagher is being fulfilled daily in the most dramatic and devastating ways. Early in the morning on March 25, 1995 Christina Gallagher received a message from Our Lord. In it the Lord said: "The North of America... Fire will rage."

In a Message from Our Lady to Christina Gallagher on November 3, 2006, She said, "The weather changes will escalate more and more in their behaviour, floods, drought, fires, twisters, all those are little, but there will also be earthquakes, and tsunamis. You are unprepared for it in soul or body."

In 2007 a CBS broadcast stated; "Every year you can count on forest fires in the West like hurricanes in the East, but recently there has been an enormous change in Western fires. In truth, we've never seen anything like them in recorded history. It appears we're living in a new age of mega-fires -- forest infernos ten times bigger than the fires we're used to seeing." CBS News: Age of the Mega-Fires

Fires are raging throughout the United States worse than ever before. On CBS News in 2011 the story of the Mega-Fires continues "Arizona is burning. Texas, too. New Mexico is next. If you need a grim reminder that an already arid West is burning up and blowing away, here it is. As I write this, more than 700 square miles of Arizona and more than 4,300 square miles of Texas have been swept by monster wildfires." [Extract from a Commentary by Marita Wodjak in 2011]

CLEARLY the messages of Our Lord and Our Blessed Lady are fulfilled yet again with News reports of the wildfires in California being the "Largest in the state's history". CNN News

On July 16, 2005 Our Lady said: "The purification is upon you, and few of you are prepared. I weep for your safety. You will see many upheavals in the world. You will experience the climate changes more and more. There will be many abnormal calamities, throughout the world. The changes in the season’s behaviour have already begun, but will increase and intensify, floods in many parts of the world beyond normal capacity, mud slides, typhoons, earthquakes and many many other abnormal and strange happenings."

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Christina says regarding God's call for a House of Prayer on the outskirts of New York;
I have consistently and faithfully made known to the world the message given to me over the past 30 years by Heaven. The truth of that message is clear for all to see in its fulfilment and it is additionally upheld through miraculous healings (authenticated by consultants) and conversion testimonies numbering into the 700's. World events have occurred exactly as predicted, thereby upholding the truth of what was given to me. That fulfilment speaks for itself: it is already a matter of fact. Some examples of these are; the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster which smashed into 9 countries across Asia killing a quarter of a million people on December 26, 2004 was shown to me and published by me beforehand in my autobiography, the earthquake in Iran which killed 5,000 people on their way to worship at Mecca which I could see three weeks before it occurred, the genocide in Rwanda shown to me a year before it happened and the war in Chechnya two years ahead of its occurrence. The declaration I made of the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York was two years to the very day before they came down. As far back as 1995 I received the knowledge of the weather changes in great detail before such destructive extremes could even be imagined. Likewise, when the economic boom was at its height and I gave the message that the stock market would shortly collapse, people reacted with disbelief but as with every other revelation given to me, it was rapidly fulfilled to everyone's shock. It was a similar pattern when I warned that Ireland would have abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage - people were adamant that such legislation would never be enacted in our country yet the same people were dumbfounded to witness that the Irish people rushed with lightning speed not only to usher in same-sex marriage and a liberal abortion service with all costs borne by the state but to publicly welcome the outcome with festivity. As far back as 1992 I publicised how uniting of the currencies in Europe was the first step to be followed by others (a cashless society, a one-world bank, a one-world government and ultimately a one-world Church [not of God]) - all intended to bring about and impose absolute control, culminating in the 'chip', the mark of the beast which is mentioned in Scripture and through which we hand over our soul to the control of the evil one. World events show the rapid progression of this movement while so many remain blind and heedless to the dangers that surround them.

I must assert that I give the most recent message about a House of Prayer of reparation on the outskirts of New York with the same clarity and force with which I have conveyed every other message I have received. I cannot emphasise strongly enough the devastating danger that awaits New York and the pain I feel at the deafness of people to the merciful call of God who wishes to protect you. It brings me back to the moment when I stood on the steps of the Marriott Hotel next to the Twin Towers on 9/11, 1999 and responded to Judge Dan Lynch that the Twin Towers would come down if the American people did not turn back to God and I knew my words caused embarrassment and disbelief, yet two years later when the calamity occurred, he quickly phoned an Irish radio programme to recall the prophecy I had given and to uphold it. I say now to the people of New York, it is entirely up to yourselves what you do. My responsibility is ended when I convey to you what I have received in the most recent message and I will not be repeating it again. However, I can and must assure you that what is given will take place - like all else that I have received. While I was made aware of the manner in which the destruction will take place, I do not feel it would serve any purpose, other than curiosity, to engage in discussion at that level. Everything depends upon your free response to God's offer of mercy.

I leave you with the words Jesus spoke on my return journey from the United States,

"…My people of New York, you fail to hear and take to heart My call. You have a very short time to answer to My call. Your life is so busy with everything of the world and that of the flesh. I do not exist in your lives but when the chain of power begins you will realise how foolish you have become. I call you 'man of sorrow' for that is what you have been in My Heart. Listen in humility to My Wisdom through My messenger regarding the existence of New York for it will be disintegrated …… a non-existence while you are asleep and it is too late to awake you. Time is NOW. Your time is short. As I said, I will not call again. The choice is yours. My people, I love you. Turn to Me while you have time. Accept Me as your Lord and Saviour."

September 2018

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On the flight to Minnesota, September 3, 2018 Jesus said,
"I desire a House of Prayer on the outskirts of New York but only if it is put in place swiftly. It is of the utmost importance to save souls and for the protection of New York and its surroundings. People are to listen and this time let there be no excuses if they desire safety - it will not be said again."

During turbulence on board the flight to Our Lady's House in Minnesota Jesus spoke again,
"Have no fear for it is I who brought you here and you speak truth in My Wisdom for all to hear. It is only the foolish man who permits his ears to become deaf so as not to be able to perceive My Truth and Wisdom: yet many ask questions and make comments and judgements which wound My Sacred Heart. It would be better for such people to open their hearts and recognise it is I who am speaking Truth through My vessel for all to hear and recognise.

I desire this House on the outskirts of New York as a must for many to receive protection for there will be many there who will be able to respond and uphold it. There were those who shut their ears and eyes and permitted their hearts to close to My call and justice is about to come upon them. Great disasters are to come to many parts of the world and especially in the Americas. Leaders in authority in the Americas have become very united in the darkness of the world. They welcome and hail all that is of death and have brought to themselves all in the seduction of the powers of darkness.

How the many within My Church shame Me …………….. Woe unto you, godless men! Pray, pray, pray!

People are completely unaware of the dangers about to befall New York. I plead with you to listen, make haste and respond to what I ask of you. I desire to protect and help you but you must decide and failing this you will draw upon yourselves great sorrow through the destruction of not responding. I beg you to make haste to put this in place. Let the guidance of this be with My vessel through the wisdom I have imparted to her. Do not take it upon yourselves without her guidance as has been in the past - which has led to a 'fruitless pearl' for many.

I want you to make known to the world the grave danger, especially for New York. California - its people will receive much through their rejection of Me, their Lord. How so many merry and unite in the powers of evil in the dark art of the deceiver. Many little ones aborted cry out to their Father through My Life that this awful craft of death come to an end but humanity unites more strongly with death rather than acknowledge Life of Me their Saviour. I will permit a disease to fall upon those that are predators of the innocents and depraved in the nature of their being. They bring to My Sacred Heart great sorrow and bring about much destruction of their souls and country.

There are leaders uniting in the next stage in their pact to bring about the third world war. This is hidden from the world. Your island of Ireland is in its deep decline into its mire of sin and death. They move faster than many parts of the world and if they choose not to change and turn back to Me, their cries will reach Heaven itself in poverty, hunger and disaster. I desire you bring My Truth throughout the world. I will guide and inspire you as to where.

(Jesus then gave a personal message for Christina's spiritual director.)

Woe to those who in the little of what they offered through the Houses they have provided in the greatness of the call of My Mother, have permitted them to be lost in their lack of fulfilment thereby depriving them of the fruitfulness of My Mercy. They were like he who walked on the water - their faith was weak and they allowed the Houses of their Mother to be let loose and not bear fruit. They forget the few who were beneath the cross where salvation was won for all humanity beside My Mother. Their weakness brings My Mother's Heart to weep tears of blood - o ye of little faith! All dealings of My Mother's Houses must be in the knowledge of My vessel otherwise they will only bring about a fall………….
A private message followed.

I bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

NB. Those wishing to participate in this call for the protection of New York should make their cheques/bank drafts payable to "OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE HOUSE OF PRAYER" and write in the memo at the bottom of the cheque "for House of Prayer in New York" and send their contribution to;
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer
33932 County Rd. 18
Sauk Centre, MN 56378
Tel: 320-352-9954

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On Wednesday July 25th during prayer in the chapel of Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer, Achill, an extraordinary and entirely unexpected event occurred. Taken totally unawares, Christina, who was on her knees, was drawn into a supernatural experience in which Our Blessed Lady appeared before her in radiant beauty surrounded by a multitude of angels in great joy. Our Lady showed Christina the many, many souls released from purgatory on that day. This was followed by the sight of a huge group of souls now in glory who were faithful to the mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Then Our Lady showed Christina a rapid glimpse of the countless crowds of Her 'lost' children still on earth who would be touched by the special graces God permitted Her to dispense on that day for their conversion. Then, extending Her hand towards Christina, Our Lady said,
"Receive My Divine Son, Jesus".
Christina opened her mouth revealing her clear tongue. Then as Our Lady placed on Christina's tongue the Body of Jesus, there instantly appeared 'from nowhere' upon her tongue a piece of flesh with blood distinctly visible upon it. As all in the packed church witnessed this sequence of events and saw Christina absorbed with unblinking gaze throughout the entire time that it lasted, several were moved to tears at the divine reality happening before their very eyes. After visibly swallowing what she had received from Our Blessed Lady, Christina continued in this experience for a further period of time. Our Lady said to her, "You have received My Divine Son, Jesus." Then She added, "The third world war is close. Do not fear. I will guide you." Only when the entire experience was ended did we realise what the words of Jesus to Christina in His message given for the special days of July 16th and 25th had meant. Jesus, referring to those upcoming days had said, "…….My Flesh of My Sacred Body will be with you. Fear not."

Jesus spoke to Christina; " My little one, write and tell all My people throughout the world,

Prepare! Soon, soon My Hand is about to cover the earth. I will crush the one that disowns Me. Sinful man, in his pride, has raised himself up in an attempt to become like Me but he is merely man of sin. My Sacred Heart is pierced and weeps Blood on account of man's resistance to opening his heart and hearing and receiving Truth and Life in Me. How it causes My Sacred Heart to be crushed! I am Life, Love and Mercy and unto man I gave life. My justice is close. My mercy I have given to many throughout the world but all that is given in prophecy must be fulfilled. Humanity has entered its final phase. My Church - its doors are opened to all that is not of Me. Pray, pray for souls! Your sufferings offer to Me and through your offering, surrender and love for Me, I will save souls. The hour of My Father is close to you, My people. Satan has opened hell and his many legions are released upon the earth but the four angels are stationed at the four corners of the earth. Woe unto those who in their bodily diseases received My healing mercy and who, in return, have given Me only insult and have rejected the mission I have given to you for such! I will cause them to endure a greater pain for their rejection of Me and for the insult they have brought about. Foolish is the man who lacks understanding and finds fault with the little victims I have chosen, rather than trying to understand My calling through the message they give. Woe to those who cast doubt on My little souls who bring truth to your world!

The world is close to its purification. My Hand is close and that must be fulfilled before My forthcoming in the clouds for all to see.

As My Hand approaches the earth, the sky will darken, the lightning will flash through the sky to be seen throughout the world. The thunder will be so loud that it will shake even the earth, bringing about earthquakes and disasters in some parts of the world. The lightning-strikes will flash throughout the sky for all to see. Many will die of fear and shock - even those with hardened hearts. These will shake more because of their closed hearts and lives which are saturated with evil and have become one with death through the evil one. The peace talks you hear of in parts of the world are false. You are more close to great destruction of the world now.

Repent now! Throw yourself on My mercy, you sinful, foolish man.

Those who have been working to destroy truth must repent before it is too late and recognise their faults of heart, soul and life rather than fall into the deception of finding fault with the little ones of My Sacred Heart.

My vessel, be at peace. Know that I am with you. I experience the depth of your aloneness. Offer Me your abandonment of heart and life. I will receive it and grant mercy to many souls through it.

A cross will soon be visible for all to see in the sky. As My Hand approaches the earth, day will turn to night. Many angels surround My Mother's House. The archangels gaze upon this House as it represents My Mother's battle with the devil and all his minions. How they try to destroy it and you, My little one! Their destructive actions are bringing about a darkness to stop My people from receiving truth.

How so much of My Sacred Heart's contents, which have been poured out for mankind through My Mother's House, have been attacked. My people, I tell you make haste to throw yourselves upon My Mercy while you have time.

When those days come a cloud mingled with the light that will extend from My Hands will envelop and protect My Mother's House for the sake of Her Maternal Heart. My Mother will humbly stand over this House while My Sacrifice through the Flesh in the Blessed Sacrament will be visible. (Christina was then shown the House enveloped in a cloud mingled with light. She could then see Our Lady over the chapel of the House of Prayer. She saw the Sacred Host become visible over the font by the entrance to the grounds of Our Lady's House as Jesus spoke.)

How My Heart desires to flow and fill all those with empty hearts! My thirst is great for all souls. If you My people would abide and hear My call and that of My Mother before the darkening days arrive, I would give multiple gifts of healing -corporal and spiritual- but it is the same today as at the time of the Gospel - they are too busy making their judgements on this mission. If My people were to fill My Mother's Houses in prayer, I would permit the flow of gifts to them and the gifts of My Life which they are rejecting now, they would not be throwing out. For those coming with pure and open hearts I yearn to fill them with multiple graces and healings.

(Christina was then shown an image of the Church in great darkness and a number of black dogs [smaller than before] running away.)

I will shepherd My flock Myself. Confusion. Confusion. Truth is trampled upon. There is little Light of Me to be seen in the world as hearts grow cold. If the people came to fill and uphold My Houses I would permit an outpouring of gifts, spiritual and corporal healing.

At the appointed hour of the Father I will give an extended time of one year to baptise with fire through the Holy Spirit those who enter this, the Mother House of Prayer.

There is great, great wrong in the people's lack in the Americas of receiving Life in Me or giving their time to My Mother's Houses. They, too, will receive their just reward.

My little one, blessed are you from My Sacred Heart. Continue to receive My Love and Wisdom.

I bless you, My brother in My Life. Be strong in Me. Receive and continue to relate Truth. I am Truth and Life. The man of perdition has tried to destroy you. I want you to know I am with you and I will continue to live through you. I had desired a different work through you but there were those in darkness and sin who made many changes to destroy this. They were only permitted to change your life to a union with Me in the Cross. Your life's alterations only served to enhance that of My Life in you. How great is your reward. Remember that as you ascended Calvary your life has been a flame of love and of Me through the Holy Spirit. I know your humanity only experiences the wounds but to those who have inflicted such, to them justice will be given. You know all the affliction upon My little victim. Comfort her with Me.

My little one, I desire you to have this message given to My people on the 16th and 25th of July. My gaze will be upon you and upon all present on those days. My Flesh of My Sacred Body will be with you. Fear not. I bless you. Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

Our Blessed Lady then appeared to Christina. After a brief personal message, Our Lady said;

"You have received great blessings to be steadfast in this mission. The 25th anniversary of My House of Prayer is a great triumph because it also unites the 25th with My lost children. I will give great blessings on that day. All people who will be present should be in the hearing of what will be said on that day."

Message received by Christina Gallagher for 16th & 25th July 2018

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Dr Gerard McGinnity s response to the diabolical attacks upon Christina Gallagher and the House of Prayer

It is well known in the history of genuine apparitions that every authentic intervention of God is always attacked. The more powerful the work of God is, the more fiercely it is attacked. In that case, the work entrusted by Heaven to Christina Gallagher has to be extremely powerful- if the horrendous and relentless fury and hatred against her are anything to go by! Persecution, slander, intimidation, incitement to hatred and life threats are among the many forms of attack used against Christina and the work of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Jesus Himself, of course, warned of this in the Gospel -indicating clearly that it would be a sure sign of authenticity, when He said to His followers, "You will be hated by all on account of My Name." (Matt.10:16,22), "I am sending you out like lambs among wolves…(Lk.10:4), and "Happy are you when people hate you, drive you out, abuse you, denounce you…on account of the Son of Man…This was the way their ancestors treated the prophets." (Lk.6:22). While such opposition to the genuine apparitions has always existed,it is nevertheless horrifying to see the depths to which the attackers have continuously sunk in setting up false websites under the same name to deliberately mislead readers. Those rogue sites mimic and mock Our Lady's Mission and try to discredit Her messenger Christina. Please be aware that there is only ONE genuine website. It carries the full truth. It is; Ignore ALL others. These false sites are clearly created by the same few individuals who have led the persecution of this work for many years and have obviously never met Christina Gallagher nor analysed the facts relating to her work.

I am not 'gullible' I have a doctorate in theology and have investigated many contemporary apparitions and the only instance I have found to fulfil the criteria set out by The Lord Himself when He says in the Gospel, "By their fruits you shall know them" is that of Christina Gallagher. For thirty years I have observed every aspect of this work and mission. Throughout the past thirty years I saw with my own two eyes, not only in Ireland but in the US, in the Philippines and elsewhere the tangible, evident signs and 'good fruits' which abundantly uphold and authenticate a work such as this. I see the many medically approved healings such as that of Kathleen O'Sullivan from Listowel in Kerry who suffered from pancreatic cancer with secondaries in the bile duct who had been sent home for palliative care with only days left to live. Her consultant (a professor of medicine) who had placed her medical file with the deceased, declared after her healing that there was "no human, medical , scientific or psychological explanation" for her cure. it was published in the Medical Journal. (Further details of this and other major healings can be found on the website have seen the case of a baby medically-declared dead in the womb of its mother, Mrs. Finola McManus who insisted to her doctors in the hospital that she would not have the baby removed before going to the House of Prayer and having Christina Gallagher pray with her. On her return to the hospital, to the shock and amazement of the doctors, they found a heart-beat and the baby was born perfect -a little girl and Mrs. McManus herself related everything of her experience in a documentary film broadcast on Italian television which contains a re-enactment of the events (and a copy of which we have at the House of Prayer for anyone who may desire to watch it).

I have also observed over thirty years graces of conversion, of the re-discovery of confession, of supernatural faith, of religious vocations, of discovery of the Rosary and of deep reconciliation after bitter estrangements. These are all fruits which do not mislead for they can be attributed only to the action of the Spirit of God and it was of these Jesus Himself spoke in the Gospel when He gave the definitive means of judging the source of any activity, "By their fruits you shall know them. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit…"

In over 700 recorded healings there feature several different forms of cancer -cancer of the bladder, cancer of the liver, cancer of the lungs, cancer of the tongue and the mouth, cancer of the throat, the glands and voice box, cancer of the hand, leukaemia and almost every part of the body,as well as Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, blindness, instantaneous clearance of blocked carotid arteries, a baby born with conjoined artery and windpipe which had no medical possibility of treatment instantaneously healed, Inoperable crushed vertebrae spontaneously healed -to name only a few.(Read details on official website under 'Major Physical Healings').

I have witnessed at first hand over these thirty years extraordinary conversions of people away from the Church- some for 10, 20 and even 30 years. Outstanding among them is the instant healing and conversion of a young drug addict whose two brothers had previously died from drug addiction. He said after his cure, "I lost my two brothers to drugs…I also became hooked…" On his first visit to Our Lady's House he joined in the Rosary in the chapel and during the prayer a strong sensation went through his body and he knew some great change was taking place within his entire being. From that moment he had no urge to touch drugs though up until moments before he could think of nothing else but drugs! And he had no withdrawal symptoms. "Not just that, "he said,"I had the desire for daily Mass, Holy Communion, prayer, the Rosary…" Any priest who has ministered to those suffering addiction knows that such a healing and conversion have only a direct divine explanation. I am frequently amazed at how people so vocal in their denial of any evidence of the supernatural being at work in Our Lady's mission can refuse to examine the compelling proofs that God provides! (For much more evidence of the supernatural see on the official website 'Fruits in Abundance').

In addition to the stream of healings and conversions over all these years I have also witnessed so many other undeniable proofs of the power of God at work in the ministry given to Christina. For example, I was standing beside her and Judge Dan Lynch from Vermont on the steps of the Marriott Hotel conjoined to the Twin Towers on September 11,1999 when she prophesied that the Twin Towers would be brought down. Two years later -to the very day- her words were proved true when the catastrophe occurred. Judge Dan Lynch in his shock phoned Christina to recall to her the words she had said and later spoke live on RTE to confirm this fact directly. Another remarkable proof, of course, which I experienced at first hand was the scene clearly shown to Christina eight years before it took place -the tsunami in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004 which killed a quarter of a million people. She had published the description in 1996. (See more on the official website under 'Prophecy Fulfilled')

In addition, I have been for thirty years a first-hand witness (among many others, of course) of the fulfilment of other world events previously publicly announced and published many years in advance by Christina such as the detailed weather changes given her in January 1995-long before they became a reality- heat to cold to ice; rainstorms like the world has not witnessed, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes even in unexpected countries, mudslides,disasters throughout the world.

I was also present among a large crowd on January 23, 2006 when Christina stated publicly at the height of the "Celtic Tiger' boom (what sounded incredible at the time) that a collapse in the stock market was imminent. And as with every other prophecy of Christina these words were fulfilled to the letter, against all the odds and against the complacency of financial experts at the time. I found the same with what she said as far back as 1992 when she was told by Our Lady there would be a uniting of the currencies in Europe leading to a cashless society, a one-world bank, one-world government and a one-world Church. We can already see the completion of the first of these and the powerful thrust of the economic world to enforce the remainder…all of which consolidates a dictatorial power of absolute control over individuals and the means of their manipulation.

On their fake websites the anonymous attackers deceive readers by trying to joke about Mrs. Gallagher owning great volumes of property, even the Houses of Prayer! -none of which could be further from the truth. There were even photographs of properties published on the fake websites which had nothing to do with Christina Gallagher. She did not even know to whom these properties belonged! I would ask you to please pray for those misguided people who have such a need for destruction not only in their hearts but in their souls. This is entirely false. The Houses of Prayer are not owned by any individual and they cannot benefit any person. A board of directors administers each one and Mrs. Gallagher is not even on any board.Yet the attackers never correct this deception. In the same way they never acknowledge or quote the declarations from the Attorney General (19 March,2000) or that of An Garda Siochana that there was nothing needing to be investigated at The House of Prayer. Rather, they amuse themselves by continuing their defamatory innuendo.

Similarly, the attackers tried to find fault with my visiting the House of Prayer and they tried to interfere with people exercising their right to go there but I notice they were not honest enough to quote the response of Cardinal Brady to a newspaper, "I am not aware that Fr. McGinnity is breaking any law, civil or canonical by going to The House of Prayer." While it is sickening to witness these diabolical attacks with no foundation, we should rather be thankful to God for their being a greater proof that it is truly a work of God and a sign of Christina's authenticity. Who other than God can heal the sick of incurable diseases, convert the heart that is closed to Him and how can man dare challenge the work of God and the servant who carries it out?

Rev. Dr. Gerard McGinnity.

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Jesus Speaks to Christina Gallagher

Jesus spoke to Christina on 22 September 2017;
He said,

My people, I want you to see the might of My Hand. How you still find fault with My messenger and fail to respond to My call. Your hearts are closed to Me. Many of you, My people, respond only to try and find fault with My words and through your closed hearts and sinful ways, you draw My Hand upon your world even more swiftly. Your sin multiplies, your arrogance grows as you dissect My words to My messenger who endures much for your sake. How so many of you cling to your money and goods as if it were I you were clinging to. Your worldly goods will be of no value to gain your inheritance of Eternal Life. I plead with you, look into your hearts, what do you see there? - the world's thirst through your flesh.

I am denied in My Church as the way is opened for anti-Christ. All these many years you have only found fault with the vessel of My Heart and many united in increasing her suffering, to cause as much distress as was possible upon her. Ask yourselves why? - because your hearts are closed to Me who is Truth. Many of you bear the mark of the one I spoke of in the Gospel who stood on the street corner… (Jesus then drew to Christina's mind the parable about hypocrisy before God). My messenger, I tell you to request My brother Gerard to read that parable to the world."

(Here is the parable from St. Matthew's Gospel, chapter 6);
'Be careful not to parade your good deeds before men to attract their notice; by doing this you will lose all reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give alms, do not have it trumpeted before you; this is what the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win men's admiration. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you give alms, your left hand must not know what your right is doing; your almsgiving must be secret, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. And when you pray, do not imitate the hypocrites: they love to say their prayers standing up in the synagogues and at the street corners for people to see them. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you pray go to your private room and, when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. When you fast do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do: they pull long faces to let men know they are fasting. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that no-one will know you are fasting except your Father who sees all that is done in secret; and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.'

Jesus resumed,
"You are like such. Your hearts are closed to Me and you draw your life more into unity with the world, flesh and sin. You must understand that My Life in you is your inheritance. That is your only safety. Wake up before it is too late! My Hand has shown Its might in parts of your world that have rejected Me for centuries, yet My mercy was given. The time of My mercy is over for many because they live by the flesh for so long they do not know Me. They are blind and draw only darkness and sin unto themselves.

O you foolish man of the world, so bold and hard of heart!, hear My call before it is too late for you, too.

The devils swarm the world's inhabitants and yet they see nothing. So many of the world curse Me for My Hand crushing foolish mankind but no-one wants to know why or open their hearts. The world will endure many terrible calamities to show them what their hearts' yearning brought upon them - their desire was not for Me but only for the world. I say to you, wicked man, wake up before it is your turn to experience the wrath of My Hand. My Heart thirsts for you but you have become wicked, so full of self-will. My mercy is only with you for a short time. Cry out to Me for mercy. My mercy I will give you. My people, My Sacred Heart weeps Blood for you! My love is pure. Partake of Me and reject the flesh and the world. Live in Me who is Life and Light.

I bless you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

22 September 2017

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Christina Gallagher Prophecy Now a Reality

Those who have criticised Christina Gallagher and the messages she delivers from Jesus and Mary over the last 30 years, as being ‘doom and gloom’ and ‘scaremongering’, can now clearly see them being fulfilled. Worldwide news reports today are full of the very same 'doom and gloom’ she spoke of - in the effects of severe weather, earthquakes, multiple hurricanes, flooding, fire, threat of nuclear war, famine, murder, bloodshed, the list goes on. Unless you choose to remain in total blindness it is plain to see that these are the catastrophes humanity has been warned about through Christina Gallagher if the world did not turn away from sin and return to God. Will anyone admit that what is seen around the world today is in fact the prophecies of Christina Gallagher being fulfilled? Now is the time that people should realise the truth of these messages from Heaven and turn back to God in prayer and the Sacraments.

Jesus speaks to Christina Gallagher

LATEST New Message - August 16th 2017
Jesus Speaks to Christina:

"My little one, be at peace. My peace I give you. Let it still your heart. I tell you, trust in Me. I am Mercy, Truth, Life and Light.
Anyone who bears life in Me will walk in light and have My life in them. Those who choose to walk in darkness, live by the world and partake only of the world.
I became Man to save man from himself. In My mercy I became Man and man was begotten in My Life.
O you foolish people who choose to live in the stench of sin and reject My Mercy! I have called you out of darkness into the light to receive My Mercy and to enkindle in your hearts and souls the light and life I have given you.
The world has become a cesspool of iniquity and how My people bathe in it as if that were their inheritance!
How man within My Church has drawn My Church into the stench of such s…..
* Its mire of filth pierces My Sacred Heart.
So many have become one in its depraved actions. How many who received their power and state in My Church through s…..
* plunder truth in fulfilling the needs of the flesh to draw them to loss of faith and in their actions lead them to condemnation.
So many live by the world. My people l…... within My Church, how you have made yourselves pariahs before Me! You partake of filth and live like animals. I gave you life - you repay Me by becoming death. How wicked the hearts of mankind have become! I have revealed this to My children of Fatima through the voice of My Mother.
My Church will soon be shaken to its foundations as it makes way for antiChrist to rule and sit on the chair of Peter.
How the evil one rejoices to see this but for man to destroy My Church and lead My people astray! Woe unto such people!
The call of My Heart and that of My Mother have been blocked out because they do not want to hear Me and so many permit life of Me to be destroyed in their souls.
Soon I will prune back those who do not have My life in them. Their shoots of evil propagated throughout the world will be burned in the everlasting fires, while they do not believe that such exist.

My dear little one, how you have been crushed because those who know you are telling the truth drew destruction upon you through lies and deception, on account of their own guilt. Such people will perish. I will say unto them, "Begone from Me, you cursed! By your actions you have chosen this for yourself."

Dear child, the words I give you will enter many hearts. My words to you will bring life to many.

This work I have asked of you is a heavy cross to carry. Its wounds abide upon your heart but etched upon your face for all to see. I tell you, be at peace. All things are passing, and those who choose to hear and respond to truth - putting truth first and building upon it their lives - will be those who will enter their eternity of life to rejoice.

I bless you, child.
Do not let your heart be troubled.
Unto you I impart My choicest blessings,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

*Regarding the abbreviated word - as most people are already aware, when a word is shortened a dot replaces each omitted letter in that word. So the number of dots always indicates the number of letters in the actual abbreviated word. Unfortunately, a few misguided people, unaware of that grammatical procedure, are now making their own personal judgements to cause confusion and mislead others about the meaning of the word uttered by Jesus to Christina in this message. Their personal conjectures are entirely false. The word in question has absolutely nothing to do with excrement or human waste as, for some unknown reason, they seem to automatically assume because it happens to begin with the letter "s"! If they had paid close attention to the number of letters in the abbreviated word, they would know it could not be so and they would not be causing such confusion to others.

Message - August 2nd 2017
Jesus Speaks to Christina:

"Your sufferings are many because there are many storms surrounding your life. I am aware of all you endure:
I draw your sufferings through your offering of will and many souls are being saved. There is a great battle of the principalities fought around your life, and you experience its effects. You are hated by the devil because of your offering through your will to Me. I draw it into the Light and many, many souls that are destined for hell are saved. I tell you, be at peace. All is passing but great work is being done.

I have asked My people to take care of you but many do not fulfil My desire. If they could understand they would change their hearts, and put My request first in their lives. They know it is I, their Lord God who communicates with you and I am Truth. In My people's response, they can make it their offering to Me for souls- to bring about the means to end your fears and sorrow. I do not desire this kind of sorrow and fear for it draws your heart away from Me. I see all things and I know what is in the hearts of My people. All will see much change throughout the world- war, war, war, unrest, weather changes beyond man's understanding. There will be many scientists to explain My Hand away. My Hand is fast approaching your world. The world's offences to My Sacred Heart through sin are enormous. My messenger, if My people allowed Me into their hearts they would not have need for Me to remind them. They would fulfil what I ask: they would not bear your life for one day. My messenger, they have it easy in comparison with your life. I beg you, My little one, stay close to My Sacred Heart. Offer all you endure, and I want you to be aware that nothing of your suffering is in vain. It is a priceless gift to Me. My Sacred Heart burns with love for you. I experience your life-offering to Me. If only you could see in your earthly time the many souls that you have permitted Me to save- even those destined for hell. I draw them back from Hades and give them life and protection again. I tell you, be at peace.
I bless you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

As far back as 1992 Christina Gallagher was told of a series of world developments; that there would be a uniting of currencies, first in Europe and later leading to a one-world currency followed by a cashless society which will require the ‘chip’ or ‘mark of the beast’. During this time there will come into being a one-world bank, a one-world government and a one-world Church which will not be Christian.

In October 8, 2009 Our Lady spoke to Christina again of these of these coming world events;
"My children, you have learned nothing from all the catastrophes throughout the world; from earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, mudslides and flooding - with much more flooding at hand especially throughout Europe. My children, why are you unable to recognize and see the signs of your times? It is the Hand of your Saviour Jesus coming close to the earth.

The more your Saviour Jesus permits you to see the enormous evil that is taking over your country, your person and the world, the more you drift with its evil and darkness and remain blind and deaf.

The anti of Christ is with you. Many will be treated with less dignity than the animals. The preparations are in place to rid the world of many, especially the poor, the handicapped, the old, the sick. Oh the outcries of the pain and hunger of many - all of whom are dear to My Motherly Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus! The one-world government is almost in place. The one-world bank is in its place. It will be a huge means of control. A cashless society is being implemented.

My children, there are very dark days ahead of you. The time is NOW to hear Me. If you fail to hear and respond to Me and take to heart My call, I cannot help you. My children of the Americas, I beg you take heed and go to the Houses of Prayer that I have placed there for your protection. Pray and fast there in reparation for all of this evil covering the world.

I beg God for mercy for you. He will give you mercy.

Ireland has become darkened and its inhabitants no different from those throughout the world. Greed leads to evil and darkness, then hunger and death. My children, why were you so blind and deaf? You are so unwilling to respond. The truth was all around you but you would not listen. Those of you, who have received abundantly in grace and healings as a sign to others and yet have turned away from the truth of these great gifts, will receive a much greater affliction - beyond what they already had.

My children, hear what I tell you because you will not have the time or opportunity later. Many very bad things are befalling the world... not just the devastation through earthly catastrophes, but greater and deeper devastation through the control which is planned for you.

I beg you as your Heavenly Mother, please hear My call and respond. Through responding I can lead you to the light.

I weep for you. So many of you have your hearts closed to Me. I love you and I desire to help you, but many of you have forgotten My Son, Jesus and Me your Mother who loves you. I bless you, Father Son and Holy Spirit.”

In a message to Christina in June 30, 2015 Jesus spoke;
“My little one, there are many wearying and tormenting sufferings aligned for your world. Make known to My people whom I have loved and redeemed, especially those of Christianity, that the world hangs as on a cliff - but that cliff is My arm. I await their repentance of sin. Your world leaders plot and make many evil plans to devour you - and you remain blind. How you pierce My Heart in this blindness! You have a great lack of knowledge regarding your currency. My people, I have made known to you that there will be a one -world bank. What blinds your mind from being able to accept what I reveal to My little one? Only your foolishness. Any of your currencies will be of little use in the man-made creating of the one-world bank, your one-world government which is now implemented and in place and your one-world church which is on its way, a church which is anti-Christ - not of Me but My people, you the redeemed of My Blood, permit this. Your endurance through it will be great.

Woe unto him who propagates lies concerning My Truth! I will unfold it, but it will be too late for many. How My Heart is wounded due to My love for those of My redemption. Soon the magnitude of circumstances of all the deception portrayed before you will be uncovered…

My little one, My Heart hurts to see such abuse of My offering of love and your sufferings and humiliations. Woe to him who has found fault with you - even those with poverty of wisdom could recognise your sincerity.

My little one, be at peace. My peace I give you. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

"My people,

Blessed are you who are in My Mother’s House this day; more blessed is he who blessed this House many years ago. His soul now rejoices with Me in his Father’s House. Woe to those who have put obstacles in its way.

My Mother’s House is where light and grace will flow this day and every day. My people, I tell you to prepare for the day of the great apostasy. Its destruction and division is with you and its schism will be fulfilled very soon. You must be aware and search only for the truth and the hearts that speak it.

There are many doing the work of the deceiver in lies and deception regarding My Mother’s House and My messenger. You, My people have stood by and done nothing in her defence. My Mother’s House is yours and for your benefit and for the saving of souls, but oh, too late for many. There are many lost in darkness through the deception and lies that led to the shackles being put upon it.

The day is soon approaching when those who placed the shackles of injustice on My Mother’s House will receive their just rewards. I plead with you make haste to put things right by receiving My Mercy.

My people, I have shown you the might of My Hand and the Mercy of My Sacred Heart. I raised up the lowly; sick bodies I healed; the cold hearts I warmed to come to Me. How easy it is for the deceiver to draw weak children of man from Light and Truth.

Those of you who have placed obstacles and blockages in the way of Truth in My Mother’s House, I tell you make haste to undo your wrong before it is too late. Hear, o people, hear Me call you and invite you to undo your wrong before you have to come before Me. By then it will be too late for you. I say to you who have denied Me, “Begone to him whom you have chosen to lead you”. I have desired you live in Truth and receive My Light. Soon you will witness the great black apostasy. If you are in Truth and Light you will have nothing to fear. You will see it being fulfilled and feel it in your heart. The cycle of life is changing before your eyes but many of you see nothing.

My people, open your hearts to the Truth I relate to you through My messenger. Take care of her and My Mother’s House. You will need them more than you realise.

Soon - very soon - you will witness the sign at the entrance of My Mother’s House and over it. My Mother’s House will light up in light of gold for all to see, because it is then that I will break the shackles that have been put upon it. Those of My people who have helped My Mother’s House - blessed are they indeed, but for those who put the shackles of lies and deception on it and have held it bound, I say to you, woe unto such people that permitted their hearts to be led in such great darkness and deception. Oh how foolish you are!

My Mother’s Houses have been put there to save souls but man has put himself above his God sinking into the deception of Lucifer the deceiver. Woe unto all who fail to see the might of My Hand and the Mercy that flowed from My Sacred Heart! My people, give witness to Me who is Truth and to those who proclaim it. Soon Truth will be denied and deserted in the hearts of many through the seduction of the devil. He is turning light into darkness for many but not for long. Soon you will see Truth in all light but you must seek it now. Do not wait any longer – there has been too much time wasted. I desire you let this day be blessed in your heart and life. Come here often and draw from the Fountain of Grace to help you withstand the darkness that is befalling your world. I invite you to look and see how fast is the world’s decline. There will be many diseases arising from the practice of immorality and more and more you will see – through this decline – the grave danger to My Church from him who is anti-Christ. Soon he will be with you in human form.

I bless you this day with My Father, I the Son in the Holy Spirit"

Jesus & Mary
speak to Christina Gallagher
February 10th 2017

At a time when a news bulletin showed unprecedented numbers of whales washed up and dying on the beaches, Jesus remarked; "It is due to the experimentation and tests which are being carried out by man that great numbers of birds are falling from the sky and fish and mammals are being washed up on your shores. People should realise that God permits this to show people that the same will happen to them. Those who bring about these abnormalities in creation are not of Me. The wind that you hear is not your imagination but the sound of the battle between the principalities. (On a number of occasions in recent times Christina would have clearly heard the sound of strong and violent blasts of wind but with no earthly explanation - just as she did not originally understand when she first heard the crackling and scraping noises of the earth's plates before a major earthquake would occur.)

The growling sound that you have previously heard is of him who roams the earth to devour all in his path.

There will be an enormous multiplication of evil coming to the world 'in the next moon and half moon', though hidden from the world."
I could then see many devils rise out of hell (Jesus explained to Christina the evil purpose behind the dispatch of these devils).

"O you people of the world, how blind and foolish you are to let your salvation be robbed from you!"

"The red planet is burning".
(Christina was totally unaware and only discovered later that 'the red planet' refers to Mars which is also synonymous with 'war.')

Then I could hear a voice calling, "Trouble, trouble unto the earth!"
I could then see a long, white table with many men dressed in robes of white having a debate about the times we are in and about the times to come. Jesus was listening to the debate at first. Then He took a seat with them. I could hear them say, "O you of Babylon!" They were talking about the present-day Pharisees upon the earth and they were in conversation about what to do next. They said, "The world has become like the 'whore of Babylon'". ('Babylon' is used in the Bible as a way of referring to the kingdom of antiChrist and of paganism- it persecutes the followers of Christ. It is cruel, greedy and controlling. The 'whore' of Babylon' is explained in the Bible as representing 'the great city' which seduces the leaders of the world and their followers with its wealth, power and immorality.)

Jesus said,
"Much will be revealed to the innocent and little ones of the earth. Those who are united in My priesthood and in the victimhood of My life should be active in the work of salvation while there is still time."
I could see many people dressed in white walking around peaceful but restless because they know what is coming to the earth. Jesus said, "The seals are being broken one by one, leading to the seal that only the Lamb can open".

(As far back as January 1991, Jesus,in a message to Christina said, "…Tell all humanity about the seven seals of God! Tell all humanity!")

I could see a number of large white jugs about 4 feet tall around and not far from the table where the meeting was taking place but I was not made aware of their meaning. (Unknown to Christina, a central part of the Apocalypse as witnessed by St. John are the seven vessels or vials which the seven angels prepare to pour unto the earth upon the followers of antiChrist, containing the judge-ments of God, the seven last plagues.)

I could hear a voice call out the names of about 15 saints. The only ones among them all that I recognised were, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, and Padre Pio. Jesus said there were many little ones that He and His Mother had called to help and to enlighten the world and to whom He had even manifested Himself to show the truth of His call and that of His Mother - only to be denied by the Church and hidden from the world.

I was then shown a clock with the time at one minute to twelve. Then I could see an army marching and preparing for war.

I then mentioned to Jesus some people who had helped with the work. Jesus said that He had inspired them to help. "Blessed are they for their rewards will be great."

Jesus then said,
"The Word was made flesh for the salvation of the world. The Lamb of God is forever harboured in the Immaculate Heart of Mary" (I was inwardly made aware this meant Our Lady in Her Heart never ceases to offer the victimhood of Jesus for the salvation of the world.)

Jesus then referred to a torment which the devil had been inflicting on Christina over a number of months. All of a sudden the devil's interference ceased when Christina began offering it directly to God to plead for the saving of souls. Jesus remarked to her, "You see how quickly it stopped when you offered it for souls. This made the devil angry as souls were snatched from him."

Jesus then said,
"Never be oppressed and never be alone."
Christina then asked Our Lord if the extra cameras recently placed around her house and car were necessary?

Jesus replied, "Yes, and more should be added but understand it as only a deterrent - your life was in danger, your life is in danger and your life will always be in danger.”

Our Blessed Lady then spoke to Christina;
"God is deeply offended by people. He is going to be much more deeply offended in the time to come. ....................... ...................................

The crown worn by Our Lady was then raised above Her head revealing what looked like an encrustment of glittering diamonds which covered the centre of Her head and was shaped like a skullcap. It seemed to hold in place that part of Her mantle which rested on the top of Her head - a cream mantle with a beautiful glistening gold band trimming it. Her dress was white and the Sacred Host was glowing light. She said,
"Yes, the fruitfulness of My womb I brought forth for the redemption of the world, Our Saviour. God desires that there be much reparation as we enter the final phase of the End-Times: we are now in the advanced stages of the End Times. That is why I desire to console you. Now you must trust. Trust My Divine Son Jesus. I am your Mother and I am here with you.You can see Me. I am the Mother of Jesus. I am the Mother of the children of the world. I am the Mother of the Eucharist. Tell all My children to love Him in the Eucharist and in their hearts each day. Live by the law of God. Always live in truth, love and unity. Always know the love in the Heart of God for each one of you through the divinity of His Son. Know that all that separates us is the Veil- the Veil that shadows in life but yet when God permits the Veil to become "see-through" -which is like the "thinning of the Veil"- for the few, for the little ones of the world, they can see, so that they can have courage for the trials and tribulations that they endure. Many of the little of My Heart -My Motherly, Immaculate Heart- that serve and love the Lamb of God, the Word made Flesh- they saw and heard and now they are denied. The Word made Flesh that they pronounce is denied, mocked and laughed at. But be not afraid for we are in the End-Times and this is what you are to expect.

There are many evil things in your world and even more evil to come into your world to cause the most drastic, depravity of evil that will draw many into union with him who is anti- of Christ. ......................................................................... But never forget Jesus is in control in all things. God has known this in all time.

There is much given to you over the years, some of which you have forgotten, some of which haunts you in memory.

Do not feel bad because people do not listen. It is not your fault…….. I am always with you."

Our Lady then spoke about the abomination. ……………...............……
it will cause great distress for humanity. There will be great confusion but there will also be great pain and tears throughout the world. But never be afraid. Always know that I am close to you. Be at peace.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Jesus then spoke of Our Lady soon to crush the head of the serpent, "There will very soon be storms - greater storms - among the principalities through the work of him who is antiChrist. Each day his seduction gathers great multitudes of souls drawing them to death and destruction.

See how he that is evil instantly stops in his tormenting of you when you offer it to Me for souls because he does not want a soul to be saved with each curtain hook that would be broken…that's as simple as it is with any attack upon you- once you offer it to Me, it can be received and weaken the power of the devil.

(Since the beginning of her call to fulfill this work, Christina has endured constant attack and torment directly and indirectly from the evil one in a variety of ways. In more recent times the harassment had taken the form of breaking articles in her bedroom during the night.)

Blessed are they that never have counted the cost."

'Blood from a Stone' in
Our Lady's Chain House of Prayer
Texas confirmed in 2017

God has richly upheld the truth of the messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace, given to us through Christina Gallagher, by many medically documented healings, conversions, the gift of knowledge and fulfilment of many world events. There are also many signs and wonders reported all the time. The ‘Blood from a Stone’ in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chain House of Prayer in Texas is one of these and now tests undertaken in 2017 have confirmed this 'weeping' substance to be blood.

Host at House of Prayer Chain House Texas

While the building work was underway at the House of Prayer in Texas in 2007, a red substance began to ‘weep’ from the wall behind the altar. The builders tried to remove it several times, even using acid, however the substance continued to ooze from the stone and they were unable to stop it. When the House was opened in November 2007, an Irish pilgrim took a photograph of the altar, and in the photograph over the spot where the stone was marked with the red substance, there appeared a white disc (as seen above).

In January 2017 on the 8th day of the special 9 day Fasting and Prayer Novena requested by Jesus, while the people were praying the Rosary in Our Lady’s Chain House in Texas, the red substance appeared to ‘weep’ on the Chapel wall again, in the same area that the Host appeared years ago. The substance when tested was remarkably found to be blood.

The red substance as it oozed from the stone in 2007

The stone 'wept' again in 2017 on the 8th day of the 9 day Novena of Fasting and Prayer requested by Jesus

The stone 'wept' again in 2017 on the 8th day of the 9 day Novena of Fasting and Prayer requested by Jesus

The substance when tested was confirmed to be blood.

Special call of Jesus
to 9 days of fasting and prayer
at Our Lady’s House of Prayer
beginning 9th January 2017

On Tuesday December 13th, 2016 Jesus, speaking to Christina said:
“My people, My Sacred Heart cries out to you to look!
See what is taking place in your world! Your leaders, many of them have signed agreements with the poison of their pen for your destruction. You are being seduced into darkness and you fail to recognise its evil depths. You can see how perverse so many are becoming… you can see in so many a sickness of mind which is beyond any realisation of the destruction of their souls through their bodies’ behaviour. The youth have become so confused even of their own identity. They search for their personal identity but find only confusion through drugs, alcohol, sex and depravity in mind and body. Love is no longer found in so many hearts, especially in the hearts of the youth of the world.

I desire My people to turn away from sin. Receive My call to life in Me. Receive My life and light, then you will find your way to peace and your hearts will once again experience love.

Many leaders have signed documents to destroy many of you; it is all in the plan of him who is antiChrist, living among you.

There are many evil spirits raised up and hailed high. Many people have become one with evil and darkness - even those you think are good. There is little goodness in your world but lawlessness is spreading like a virus that is full of poison.

My people, I desire you to fast and come to My Mother’s House and pray for nine days from the ninth day of the New Year. Fast on tea and bread only.

Pray, pray for wisdom to understand My call and that of My Mother. I desire that you can understand the evils of your world and recognise how you are being led into the snares of evil. You need to be protected and how you need My little one for guidance. She has endured much for your sake: she has been disbelieved, mocked, attacked - and all for your sake. Wake up! Your world has become a cesspool from hell and there many are going and you do not even see the grave danger you are in - in body, but greater than bodily danger is the danger for your souls.

There will soon be a great earthquake in the Americas. The Americas are called ‘the new world’ but it is rather ‘the dark world’ which spreads its poison throughout the entire world.

Jesus then referred to two countries (which will not be named here) whose leaders have made their pact and signed papers that will bring about the fire to fall from the sky. It will disrupt and disfigure the face of the earth.

There followed a very serious message concerning the Church which is not being made public.

My commandments are being washed away. They must be renewed and lived in all hearts that want to have My life in their souls.

I have pleaded with you, My people, to protect My vessel. You remain blind. Her life has come to be in great danger. She is hated in many hearts - many desire her blood. If this takes place it will be highly critical for you. All look on but you are blind to the reality of her life’s dangers. My people, hear and respond. I will not keep repeating My call and that of My Mother. The fire is lit. Be vigilant in the Spirit. Pray, pray for your safety. Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

(On Sunday December 18th, 2016 during Holy Mass Jesus told Christina that the Coptic Catholics - at present enduring the most severe persecution for the faith - are most pleasing to Him.)


Crowds were bigger than ever on 16th & 25th July at
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill

The 16th & 25th July has again in 2016 attracted crowds from across Ireland and many other countries of the world. Here are a few photos of events on both days at Our Lady's House - two blessed days :

Christina Gallagher at the House of Prayer Achill Christina Gallagher praying the prayer on the Bible. She gave an explanation that 'the Bible is the Word of God and unlike our word, the Word of God is Spirit and can pierce even the most closed heart. When we place our hands on the open Bible' she said, 'we let the light of God saturate us and flow freely throughout our homes.' Christina invited all people to put their hands on the open Bible in their homes and pray;

"Lord, I place my hands upon Your Word. I ask you to imprint Your Word upon my heart and give me the wisdom to understand it and the grace to live it. Take my life Lord this day and every day of my life. Lead me in the path of light and righteousness so that I may be with You now and forever, Amen."

Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill People during prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016

House of Prayer Achill Christina Gallagher People outside the chapel queuing to get in. A break in prayer allowed a change-over giving more people a chance to be in the chapel - July 16 / 25th July 2016

House of Prayer Acihll Christina Gallagher People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016

House of Prayer Achill Christina Gallagher People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016

House of Prayer Achill Christina Gallagher Outside, at the side and the back of the House of Prayer, tents, cars, buses and people everywhere - July 16 / 25th July 2016

House of Prayer Achill Christina Gallagher Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016

House of Prayer Achill Christina Gallagher Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016

Christina Gallagher Fr McGinnity House of Prayer  Achill 2106 Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity mingling with the people outside the House of Prayer Achill - July 16 / 25th July 2016

Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill 2016 Christina Gallagher outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016

Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity outside the House of Prayer Achill 2016 Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016

It is deeply saddening, even heartbreaking, to hear week after week people discussing the deaths and injuries that are resulting from each new weather extreme (most recently in Poland, Germany, France and Spain but without interruption now in all parts of the five continents of the world), whether it be sudden torrential flooding, lethal lightning and thunderstorms, massive hailstones, scorching heat-waves or raging tornadoes – not to speak of earthquakes in strange locations – people bewildered at experiencing not only ‘the four seasons in a single day’ but the dread that unforeseen disasters can now strike entirely ‘out of the blue’ and claim countless lives within seconds of time, and struggling in vain to find explanations – which they cannot, yet all of this was clearly announced and made known by God through Christina over the past eighteen years! It is heartbreaking because firstly, it could have been prevented and secondly, the means of receiving God’s protection have been given to us.

As far back as January 1, 1995, Our Lady told Christina,
“My Daughter, the world is in its decline….. The weather will be so changeable: heat to cold to ice; rainstorms like the world has not witnessed; hurricanes, floods, earthquakes even in unexpected countries; mudslides…”

Eight years later in Her message for July 16, 2003, Our Lady said,
“The weather-change in many parts of the world is recognized, but only in silence. Why can you not see and hear? Then act upon what I say, in My yearning desire to help you with love…”

Two years after that, on February 21, 2005 Christina was told,
“Floods will increase all over Europe and throughout the world, leading to a deluge. The sea will gradually rise and come in over the land. This will happen both in Europe and around the world…the sea levels.. will not recede. Heavy rainstorms, hail, gale-storms and tornadoes will increase to terrific levels…and in regions where they do not normally occur. All extremes of weather-change will occur not only within all months but even in any one day as the seasons enter total turmoil…

The following year, on November 3, 2006, Our Lady said,
“The world as you know it is in great turmoil, leading to its purification. The weather changes will escalate more and more in their behavior, floods, drought, fires, twisters – all those are little but there will also be earthquakes and tsunamis. You are unprepared for it in soul or body. I beg you, My children, turn away from sin and pray, pray…”

Also, in the message on January 15, 2006, Christina was told,
“...The electric storms will become low and dangerous.”

And then in October, 2012, Jesus said,
“...The lightning I once told you about to be "low and dangerous" is now in your world...”

Related Link: Christina Gallagher's Prophecy Fulfilled


Those who have followed the messages of Jesus and Our Blessed Lady to Christina over the past 27 years have been prepared for the sad and painful events of purification which are at present overtaking the world. The current flooding which is inundating so many parts of Ireland is described by Met Eireann as "the worst since records began" but most interestingly the Met Office in its reaction and commentary has unsuspectingly echoed the very phrase used by Jesus to Christina as far back as February 21 2005 , "…heavy rainstorms in areas unaccustomed to such storms. They will begin to happen in regions where they do not normally occur…"

1st January 2016

Related Link: Christina Gallagher's Prophecy Fulfilled

Extraordinary Healing
Just taken place in Texas
9th October 2015

Christina Gallagher - Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Texas
Chapel of Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Texas - October 2015

A woman who was brain-dead and on the life-support machine which the hospital was about to turn off, was healed, opened her eyes and spoke after a matrix medal was placed on her forehead and the Rosary was prayed. Hospital staff said “It’s a miracle”.

Mrs Davette Hendrickson was on a life-support machine in Tomball Hospital, Texas following a severe stroke which left her brain-dead.

Her friend, Ann Mitchell attended Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer at Leander, Texas on Saturday, October 3rd to join in the Novena there and hear the messages of Jesus and Our Blessed Lady received by Christina Gallagher for the world. She picked up some Matrix Medals at the House of Prayer and went on Sunday evening to see Davette at the hospital.

Ann wanted to get a Matrix Medal to Davette because Ann’s own daughter, Laura (Stallones) had been instantly healed a few years ago, through the Matrix Medal, of a long-term addiction to heavy smoking.

She also said she had read on the leaflet with the Matrix Medal that among the many different healings which have taken place through the use of the Matrix Medal were the healing of people in a coma and brain-dead.

When she reached the hospital, Ann placed the Matrix Medal on Davette’s forehead and prayed that Our Lady Queen of Peace would help her. She also told Davette’s husband, Rustie to make sure the medal wasn’t taken away from Davette by the hospital staff. The medal was placed on Davette’s pillow to be kept there. Ann kept praying, especially the Rosary. On Wednesday the hospital told Davettes husband, “Your wife is dead. We are turning off the life-support equipment”. Her husband said, “I need to go away and think. Do not turn it off yet.” His sister-in-law told him, “Let her go”. The Matrix Medal remained on Davette’s pillow. On Thursday she opened her eyes all of a sudden. The nurses were flabbergasted. All they could keep saying was, “Well this is a miracle! We never saw anything like this in here.”

Her brain was suddenly functioning. When her husband said “Give me a kiss”, she puckered her lips immediately to do so. When her brother-in-law asked her for a kiss, she shook her head saying “No”!

Ann, her friend, who had given the Matrix Medal, said I showed the Matrix Medal leaflet to Davette’s son so that he would know without any doubt it was Our Lady who obtained the healing from God.

9th October 2015


Major physical healings supported by medical and scientific documentation

Testimony: Major Physical Healing of Brandi DeJesus
Testimony: Major Physical Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt

Testimony: Major Physical Healing of Kathleen O'Sullivan
Testimony: Major Physical Healing of Jed Michael

Miracoli - the Italian TV programme about Christina Gallagher and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill - includes interviews with Christina Gallagher and her Spiritual Director, Fr McGinnity. The programme features one of the major physical healings that God has granted to PROVE that Christina Gallagher is GENUINE - through the testimony of a mother and the HEALING of her baby who was dead in the womb - declared as medically and scientifically inexplicable.

Latest videos will be posted to Rumble
where they will not be silenced or shadow-banned. Please like and follow us

The number of miraculous events associated with the mission of Christina Gallagher has now risen to over 2000 and these are only the reported testimonies, the true figure is much higher. Be it through the Matrix Medal, the Petal, through visiting the Houses of Prayer or through the 3D Picture of Our Lady with the Roses, the number of testimonies continue to rise and rise.

Prominent archbishop
is claiming Pope Francis supports a one-world religion

In a recent letter to a cloistered nun, the former Apostolic Delegate to the U.S. archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano states
"What is being created is a single world religion without dogmas or infernal parody of the Church of Christ" ...He speaks spiritual battle to restore Holy Mother Church to her former glory through sound doctrine, prayer and penance.

NEW STOCK For Collection from Achill :
From time to time we are receiving small deliveries of the 'Picture with the Great Promise' - Our Lady with the Roses.
To order please phone Achill Shop on telephone: 098 45691.


NEW STOCK For Collection from Achill :
From time to time we are receiving small deliveries of the 'Picture with the Great Promise' - Our Lady with the Roses.
To order please phone Achill Shop on telephone: 098 45691.

From a message of Our Blessed Lady to Christina Gallagher on February 28, 2019;
"The knowledge My priest-son, Cardinal George Pell possessed..."

PROOF that the mission of Christina Gallagher is TRUE - View on YouTube

Please be wary of the many websites making false claims about Christina Gallagher and the mission entrusted to her for souls. This is the only authentic account of her messages and experiences. You are invited to use the links here on the lefthand side to discover how God has richly upheld her mission for souls.

Miracoli - the Italian TV programme about Christina Gallagher and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill - includes interviews with Christina Gallagher and her Spiritual Director, Fr McGinnity. The programme features one of the major physical healings that God has granted to PROVE that Christina Gallagher is GENUINE - through the testimony of a mother and the HEALING of her baby who was dead in the womb - declared as medically and scientifically inexplicable.
View Miracoli in full on YouTube

Message from JESUS
to Christina Gallagher for
16th & 25th July 2017

"...ONE-WORLD currency, ONE-WORLD bank, ONE-WORLD government and ONE-WORLD church...

As far back as 1992 Christina Gallagher was told of a series of world developments; that there would be a uniting of currencies, first in Europe and later leading to a one-world currency followed by a cashless society which will require the 'chip' or 'mark of the beast'. During this time there will come into being a one-world bank, a one-world government and a one-world Church which will not be Christian. Read more...

christina gallagher book 2016
The NEW and long-awaited book

by Christina Gallagher

containing the reality and
full facts of her life's endurance

is now available only from

Our Lady Queen of Peace
House of Prayer, Achill,
Co.Mayo, Ireland.
Tel: +353 98 45691

Visa & Mastercard Accepted

and from
Our Lady Queen of Peace
House of Prayer, Texas
23700 Nameless Road,
Leander, Texas, 78641 USA
Tel: +512 267 6830

In October 2012 a recording was made at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in the US, at the conclusion of Holy Mass. When viewed it was found to have a remarkable light coming from the host, pulsating and lighting up the casing of the monstrance.

The Very Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity is pictured in the video leading the congregation at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in the US

Fr Gerard McGinnity Biography, gerard mcginnity, fr mcginnity
Biography of Fr Gerard McGinnity
Written and published by Our Lady's Pilgrims

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website, 'Like' our page on Facebook

Young Dublin man in thanksgiving gives public witness in July 2014 to his astonishing testimony of conversion at the Saturday Night Vigil at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill in 2012.

Conversion at House of Prayer Achill
Alan at House of Prayer Achill July 2014 ©Copyright

"During the Night Vigil as I was praying the Rosary I just closed my eyes, when some very strong and powerful sensation went through my whole body, and I was brought to tears. I cried and cried… I knew some great change had taken place within my entire being. From that moment onward, I have had no urge to touch drugs, thank God,” he explained. “Not just that, but I have had the desire for daily Mass, Holy Communion, Prayer, the Rosary” he added, explaining how he had gone back to God and received the sacraments...”

"Every time I visit the House of Prayer Achill I find myself being filled with a new love for Jesus and Mary"
by Emma Sheridan Co Carlow, Ireland

Emma at the House of Prayer Achill 2013 ©Copyright

"I am 27 years only and first visited the House of Prayer Achill in 2003. There on the Saturday night vigil I felt a deep peace flow through me... in it held a healing, security and fulfilment my heart had so desperately yearned for over many years of hurt... I received the grace to be happy without having to get drunk, take drugs or lead a promiscuous lifestyle.”

Great Conversion
After 40 Years

Challenging the Denial of the Supernatural at work through Christina Gallagher and the House of Prayer, a man tells of the "Miraculous Conversion of my Brother" after a 40 year absence from the Sacraments


This is my testimony of my brother and his miraculous conversion through Christina Gallagher. My brother had been asking me throughout that year;
"Can I go to Achill with you?" and "will you take me with you up to Achill?" and I would say to him "yes, of course you can and I will", but he would later back out and not go. One day we had it all arranged to go and I was to pick him up in Westport on Saturday. Before I set out, I called to visit my mother and she told me not to bother, that he had left a message to say he was not going. That was ok, it saved me the trip to Westport and I headed straight to Achill.

When I arrived at the House of Prayer and spoke to Christina and Fr McGinnity in the dining room, Christina immediately said "Where’s your brother?" I told her he was not coming. She said I should go and get him. "You don’t understand", I explained, "he will have gone straight to the pub and won’t be able to go now". Christina replied, ‘just go and get him’.

On the journey back I told myself how it was just a wild-goose-chase and that it was pointless. I knew he’d be in the pub and I didn’t know which pub or where to find him and even if I did find him I was wasting my time. I was only making the journey because Christina had asked me to.

I went straight to my mother’s house and she suggested that he might have gone to visit a neighbour, that he sometimes did that on the way to the pub. I went there and low and behold there he was drinking tea. I asked him if he would come and he said yes.

We returned to the House of Prayer in time for the Novena prayers. He stood in the doorway and stayed around after the prayers to meet Christina. Immediately after talking to her he asked a priest for Confession. Taking him outside the House of Prayer, the priest heard his Confession.

On the way home my brother told me all about it. He said how he had told the priest his whole life. When I think how he had been away from his Catholic faith and the Sacraments for 40 years before that, and that people deny the supernatural is at work through Christina Gallagher, well I beg to differ. Less than three months later my brother had a cardiac arrest and he never spoke again. He remained brain dead in a vegetative state from then until he died 14 months later.

I thank God for Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity, and for how He clearly used His vessel to grant my brother the great grace of a full conversion. If my brother hadn’t gone to the House of Prayer, spoken to Christina and received Confession that day he would not have returned to God before he died.

There are over 800 recorded testimonies of conversion and healing through Christina Gallagher and the House of Prayer Achill. These are on view at the House of Prayer Achill for all to read.

Fr Gerard McGinnity

Christina Gallagher by Fr Foley S.J.

fr gerard mcginnity

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